Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] it [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has no application when the type of substantive error is that the tribunal was improperly constituted , or that it made an order which it was not empowered to make .
2 we must no longer say that the self perceives , thinks , or loves , or that it has a perception or thought or an emotion .
3 That there was a pattern for her in Lermontov 's novel is conceivable : but it ca n't be claimed that it fits her with exactitude , or that it provides an explanation of her conduct .
4 This section gives relief in respect of a disposition made on the occasion of the dissolution of the marriage or if it varies a disposition made on that occasion .
5 The region of similarity between DP-1 and E2F-1 is likely to be an important part of their DNA-binding domains , but we can not distinguish whether it is involved in recognizing the E2F sequence per se or if it provides a dimerization domain which then allows sequence-specific recognition .
6 If the nearest unit of Orcs or Goblins is fleeing , or if it fails a break or panic test and so starts to flee , then the Snotlings pretend to flee as well !
7 The Labour party can not have it both ways : it attacks the system either because it expects people to claim or because it requires a register .
8 In her opinion too , although she had no idea how other men behaved , nor any way of measuring the depth of Tristan 's desire for her ; whether it came easily and naturally to him , as any stallion would mount any mare , or whether it required a degree of effort he chose to conceal .
9 After about nine months , the baby starts to clamber out of the pouch and hop about at its mother 's side , though still returning when danger threatens or when it wants a drink of milk .
10 The house we were in was solid Victorian in style , both inside and out , except that it had a tin roof .
11 Again perceptions of the value of these interviews differed , but one teacher went so far as to say that if it needed an appraisal to bring these advisers into the school then it was worth it .
12 What the package meant for France , therefore , was that if it wanted an agriculture settlement , it would have to accept an increase in the supranational characteristics of the EEC .
13 In both these situations , the buyer is assured of a return of the original price plus interest and is not taking any significantly greater risk than if it made a loan secured on the property concerned .
14 The factor that decides whether a product can be prescribed is whether the product appears on the blacklist rather than whether it has a product licence .
15 It does not , however , attempt to quantify the amount of radioactivity present , nor whether it poses a threat to human health or agriculture .
16 On few occasions has it shown less moral scruple than when it made a deal with Brezhnev to dispose of the Soviet gold .
17 I think that Saddam Hussein is much less potent than he was , but I accept that it is a brutal regime and that it poses a threat to world peace .
18 However , in O'Reilly v. Mackman Lord Diplock argued that the present procedural regime for AJRs is more advantageous to applicants than that under the pre-1978 version of Ord. 53. and that it strikes a sound balance between the interests of applicants and respondents .
19 ‘ We realised that the whole psychology of collecting is a fascinating area and that it had a lot more potential … hence the reason for the Festival .
20 She also ensured that she chaired the important Cabinet ( later ‘ EA ’ ) Committee on economic strategy and that it contained a majority who supported the economic strategy of herself and the Chancellor .
21 The only centre I have time for is the Sea Life Centre near Oban , on account of a circular tank of herring you can stand under , and that it has a moray eel .
22 IBM Corp last week said that the version of DB2 for OS/2 is generally available after a successful beta test and that it has a set of software development tools for the object-oriented C++ language .
23 A police source said on March 15 that a list of some 200 " godfathers " had been drawn up , and that it included a number of former MPs and Cabinet ministers .
24 Always a determined character , he gave up alcohol and smoking the day he pulled on his running shoes , and he quickly found that running long distances was his forte , and that it provided a challenge to fit his temperament .
25 In his summing-up , Mr Justice Caulfield could not have evinced a more robust hostility to the Official Secrets Act , sharing a widely held belief that it was long out of date and an intolerable interference with freedom of speech , and that it provided a justification for prosecutions ranging from the serious to the grotesquely ridiculous .
26 And although it takes a while to recover from such fear , for most of us at least , it does eventually subside .
27 Beech et al. ( 1985 ) have compared its dietary characteristics with those of lean raw beefsteak , and although it has a protein content of c. 47 per cent , which is nearly 20 per cent less than the beefsteak , it contains half the fat and is rich in fibre .
28 And if it entailed a degree of sacrifice , there was always the prospect of better times , just around the corner .
29 Of course , if it 's really painful , forget it , I 'll be fine , and I 'm writing , and if it gets a bit unlively I could perhaps find somewhere else- ’
30 The initial check , Gilmont says , is designed to determine if the bill is coherent ; if in fact , it belongs to the bank , and if it shows an amount that corresponds to what the bank expected to be billed .
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