Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] we [vb mod] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 That is , it is unclear whether what is being maintained is that our conception of effects is of unnecessitated events or that we should change it to that .
2 The only th the only thing is , is th is what we 'll do the beer , whether we 're gon na have to connect it to the brewery or whether we can get it through ourselves , I do n't know .
3 Erm , so , the , given any organisation should always be looking at what it 's been , it 's doing to see whether , what it 's doing , erm , it should continue to do , you know , whether the , whether the services is a defunct or whatever , or whether we could provide it in a , erm in the most up to date way , the most progressive way .
4 Perhaps they reflect nothing at all except the accidents of conception : but I suspect that there is often , in fact , a buried clue here , and that if we could unearth it we should know something about the early growth of many market towns that no documents will ever tell us .
5 Yes , okay , could we ask Mr Chairman , on this particular thing on this arson business in one thing that we did express concern of were a number of years that are invariably are started we 've called in to do the research into this and the investigation , so ar does this add now the fact that you 're more sophisticated , does it now mean that your having more staff er , devoted to this , because this was a question that whether we should do it , or whether the police should be doing it ?
6 is when I first raised my question on that with all those things at the back of my mind , I was n't finding that as we used to get it
7 Many influential people think it holds the key to strategic defence planning , and that we should study it to prevent a third world war .
8 I agree with the hon. Gentleman that the RECHAR money has been paid by Britain into the European Community and that we should have it back .
9 We think we know what the teachers need and that we can give it to them .
10 While in Donna di Porto Pim , the writer , having sailed for many days and nights , has understood that ‘ the West has no end but continues to move as we move , and that we can follow it as far as we like and never reach it ’ ( Tabucchi 1983 : 13 ; the notion is echoed in the title of Tabucchi 's later novel , Il filo dell'orizzonte ( The horizon 's edge , ( 1986 ) , the Indian journey proceeds , not always straightforwardly , towards an end of a sort .
11 The extraordinary thing about the tenor of the right hon. Gentleman 's speech in the past few minutes is that once again he seeks to make out that this is not a very important problem and that we can push it away .
12 It had certainly been built to last , and although we could see it had lost a lot of windows and the stonework was damaged , it was obviously going to be standing there a few more years yet .
13 Well you see we 're a bit further from home now and if we can do it for five days , great , we have n't
14 And if we can do it we need to be
15 If we accept the possibility — and sometimes , perhaps , the fact — within ourselves we are forearmed against unpleasant possibilities and if we can face it squarely we are likely to work more effectively with any child in question .
16 And if we can hold it , the foal will still be frightened of us , and we will have to give it a lot more handling than we would have had to initially to undo its instinctive fear of us and learn accept us instead .
17 If so , and if we can measure it ( though it is not easy to do so ) , that again tells us something about their welfare .
18 Said John Thompson , IBM vice-president and Application Business Systems general manager , ‘ We will implement RISC [ on the AS/400 ] , but not until it catches up with the AS/400 architecture , which we think is more advanced … and until we can do it in a way that wo n't disrupt the customer 's applications . ’
19 Well that 's what I was going to say if if we could make it that the training course came after next week and not next week then
20 Erm and and and we could take it back to the hundred days episode when the great powers have all er decided to er er to prevent Napoleon from making a comeback in France .
21 Some weeks ago we sent a draft of a similar digest to a few Age Concern groups in order that we gain an appreciation of such a service and whether we should develop it further .
22 I find myself left wondering , if £100 million of new money is standing idly by , how much an action programme is going to cost the Labour party and when we shall see it properly costed .
23 and erm sorry the poem the new poem , but that we 'll spell it with a will be correct .
24 ‘ It was not as much a question of whether we would take a new step in our computerisation , but if we would subcontract it out , ’ said Olivier and Xavier Decelle , Picard 's president and managing director , respectively , in an article in Les Echos .
25 ‘ I 'm setting a deadline to open the course in spring 1994 , but if we can have it open in the late summer of 93 that would be ideal , ’ he said .
26 At the moment the sail is only attached down its needed edge but before we can use it , we 've got to control it properly and that means to tuck it in the boot the jaws clip on here , the down-haul clips on to the sail and is threaded through the jaws before we make it up on the cleat the position of the boom and hence the sail relative to the wind is controlled by this rope , the mainsheet .
27 So I I think it started on an informal basis , you know everyone was just a little bit fed up with the way they 're being treated and the way you know been told how much we could earn , how we could earn it , when when we could earn it and all this sort of palaver .
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