Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This stage is intended mainly to ease the initial awkwardness , the interviewer does not really want your detailed impressions of the weather or the route you took to get to the interview .
2 So it does n't matter whether we look at it as whether you 'd get a third or whether you say you 'd get two sixths well it does n't matter cos it 's the same size it 's just it 's cut into two pieces or the way you wanted to do it which was a good way with the first pizza .
3 Anne had never known Mark properly , had n't understood his unorthodox behaviour , his irreverent sense of humour or the way he 'd detested sad , miserable faces , pointless regret over things that could never be altered .
4 Erm well one way or the other it 's got the result
5 Then you , or the person you have asked to speak for you , can ask questions as can the five members of the Appeal Committee .
6 I 'm pleased but it 's not compensation for all of the trauma we have suffered or the money we have lost if we had invested it elsewhere .
7 He said nothing about the road being blocked behind us , or the man he had flushed out of the mist-shrouded mountainside and forced over the edge into the gorge below .
8 All turned to ashes because he had not trusted her , or the love she had given him .
9 You are not the user associated with the given Software Performance Report ( SPR ) or the username you have specified does not exist .
10 You are not the user associated with the given Software Status Report ( SSR ) or the username you have specified does not exist .
11 As in days of yore , the competing knights were not identified by their names but by their insignia or the insignia they had adopted for the event .
12 Whether this is due to the cheroot or the fact he has done his fatherly duty I do n't know , but we must look a lovely couple .
13 There may be demands in the sense that there are always obstacles to be overcome but these stem from the nature and the variability of the situation he is in ; that is , the materials he has to deal with or the environment he has to move through .
14 For example a statement about the number of miles it 's done , or the number it 's had .
15 " To destroy the evidence of what he 'd been doing , or the result of his analysis , or the time he 'd spent on it .
16 Shocked and exhausted by the severity of the work and his illness , he had spoken little of himself or the family he had left behind in the north .
17 Not because of the new-found fame , the cash she 's pocketed or the car she stands to win in the national finals .
18 I do n't want to invest in anything where every day I have to worry whether my managers are going to leave me . ’
19 On each of her periods at Hillmarden he had still clung to the faint hope that she was improving , only to find at the end of a week or a fortnight she had made no progress at all and that when Harry — good baby that he was — occasionally cried , this was enough to make Celia so distraught that Brian was forced to accept that it was better for all concerned if mother and baby remained parted .
20 The words stuck in her throat , like a large crumb , or a grape-pip she wanted to spit out and could n't .
21 Lyell resigned not because of some inherent conflict between science and religion , but because he enjoyed neither the prestige nor the remuneration he had expected from the post .
22 He did not let himself think how this man had killed Billy Egan , nor the ferocity he had shown .
23 That was my thing , 'cause the dashboard we had had such a cool snare sound . ’
24 The notion that the price they have paid for their popularity is to live their lives under an insufferable glare of publicity is one of the great fictions of the middle class .
25 Management may argue that , with less warranty and other protection , they should pay less than an " arm's-length " purchaser , and that the price they pay does not involve any element of benefit chargeable to income tax under Schedule E ( see below , 4.3 ) .
26 So that the price we want to end up with on the books is is
27 ‘ And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone .
28 At the time he had assumed that she had simply contacted the address on some pretext and discovered that he had n't been there , but it was only later , when the argument had blown over , that he remembered that the address he had given his mother had been vacant .
29 and another , especially if your contracted with powerful paintings , that the approach you make suffer as the result of the artist 's vision , or
30 Especially we remember those who served on this airfield and we pray that the peace they fought to obtain may not be lost to us , but as we may live and work to bring it to thy world , that Christ the Prince of Peace may reign in the affairs of men .
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