Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] give in [art] " in BNC.

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1 By studying the gospel references to the apocalyptic Jewish figure of the ‘ Son of Man ’ — whom Jesus sometimes appears to identify with himself , but sometimes not — Wrede had come to the conclusions that Jesus had not in fact applied the title to himself ; that after his resurrection the church had come to anticipate his return ; that it had then identified Jesus himself as the coming Son of Man ; and that the impression given in the gospels of a ‘ messianic secret ’ that Jesus in his lifetime conveyed only to his closest disciples , and charged them not to reveal to others until the proper time came , was a mere literary device to support that identification .
2 At least that was the diagnosis that the MO gave in the listless heat of the monsoon .
3 The first thing to stress is that the information given in the orders of battle has been collated entirely from unclassified published sources .
4 The report must also state whether the auditors consider that the information given in the director 's report is consistent with that in the annual accounts and , if they are not satisfied , they must say so in the report .
5 or your solicitor to confirm that the information given in the claim form is correct . )
6 Tally , of Tally 's Corner , is another key informant , and Liebow ( 1967 ) acknowledges that this may mean that the account given in the book is more that of Tally himself than of others who lived around the street corner .
7 It may also be noted that the solutions given in the notation of previous sections by ( 10.69 ) where c 1 and c 2 are given by ( 10.67 ) , similarly do not contain curvature singularities on the hypersurface provided the constants d i and a are constrained by ( 10.66 ) and ( 10.68 ) .
8 However , although the averages given in the last column of Table 4 are of some value they do not convey the reality of referral and investigative work .
9 There seem in fact , however , to be two exceptions to this general rule , namely Molla Yegan , who almost certainly resigned the office , and Abdulkerim , who must either have resigned or been removed from it if the facts given in the he was appointed Mufti in the time of Mehmed II and died in the time of Bayezid II — are correct .
10 The final two columns show the resulting metronome equivalents and the time-words given in the Cauvin MS ( indicated ) and the 1729 edition ( indicated ) .
11 However , from the transitions shown graphically in figure 3 ( right hand side ) and the energies given in the lower half of table 1 , we can see that these transitions are not notably more difficult than those of the junctions already discussed .
12 As the day progresses , the angle between the food source and the sun alters and the direction given in the bee 's dance changes accordingly .
13 She had spent 71 years in exile , but Vienna 's Socialist mayor was in St Stephen 's cathedral for the requiem mass at which the old imperial anthem Gott erhalte unseren Kaiser ( ’ God save our Emperor ’ ) was sung and a benediction given in the seven languages of the Austro-Hungarian empire .
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