Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] [adv] [verb] when " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I condemn violence from whatever quarter , but it seems to me that the Government only responds when there is an outbreak of loyalist activity . ’
2 You can say that if they do n't keep to the agreed rules of the drama , then the magic will start to fail ; if they climb up the wall-bars when you have asked them not to , you can say that the magic only works when their feet are touching the ground , thus using the fiction of the drama to limit the space they work in and remind them through a dramatic device of those rules which you will have agreed before the lesson begins ( see also the section on " Control " in Chapter 4 ) .
3 Council 's papers , though not its proceedings , seem to be proving more open than the Institute ever intended when it introduced its sunshine policy last summer .
4 The judge erred in law in holding that in mortgage proceedings if a mortgagee failed to seek an order for costs then the mortgagor could apply for the costs to be taxed on an appropriate basis ; if no order was made the mortgagor could require that the costs of the mortgage proceedings be referred by the master taking the account to the taxing master for taxation pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 24 ; ( 3 ) that a provision in the mortgage deed providing expressly or by implication the basis on which costs were to be taxed was not then binding on the court and the judge also erred when he held that in mortgage proceedings a provision entitling the mortgagee to an indemnity against all costs , charges and expenses was void so far as it purports to exclude the jurisdiction of the court under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
5 In various ways the British , French , Italians , the Poles and the Russians all failed when seeking ‘ to buy Hitler off or use him to their own advantage ’ .
6 The bridge was saved and the contras eventually dispersed when their supply of ammunition came to an end .
7 AFTERWARDS the typical expatriate had less money , and liked Pau because it went further ; and the servants still came when you pressed the bell .
8 It should be used lightly but positively if required and the horse quickly rewarded when he responds .
9 She was one of three WPCs and a sergeant seriously injured when a knifeman went berserk last year , just 100 yards from yesterday 's explosions .
10 But the cells usually died when they underwent the reduction division ( meiosis ) necessary to produce gametes with half the parental chromosomes , so that the older the fetus the fewer the germ cells found .
11 It is not known why 2 patients had high basal concentrations of glutamate , but the concentrations further increased when they had seizures .
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