Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] [modal v] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd better be getting back or the foreman will be giving me the sack . ’
2 To ensure continuity and to give more necessary practice ( further consolidation ) , appropriate homework or a task should be given at the end of each lesson , or at least once or twice a week , depending on the amount of time the student is able or prepared to give up to home study .
3 Seth promised that the casket would be given to the person who fitted inside it perfectly .
4 The hon. Gentleman is merely trying to raise obscure scares about our proposals when he knows from his own visit to the association that the policy is extremely popular with all the principals and that his statement — that the colleges would be given back to his friends in Labour councils — was greeted with widespread dismay there .
5 He contacted the Scottish police and insisted that the Waters should be given police protection until their return to Northern Ireland .
6 A man who could decree that the waiters should be given a disgusting breakfast prior to serving their masters with cold ham , kedgeree , scrambled eggs with smoked salmon , grilled wild mushrooms , devilled kidneys and much , much more , was a man who deserved to have his teapot emptied over his scrofulous head .
7 The justices made the order and , in giving their reason for doing so , stated that the order was required so that the child could be given help and guidance to meet his special needs .
8 The justices ' reason for making the secure accommodation order was that in view of the facts found an order was required in order that the child could be given the help and guidance to meet his special needs .
9 One advantage of a naming ceremony is that the child can be given ‘ godparents ’ to turn to for support .
10 There survives a copy of a letter sent to a priest Ælf. , almost certainly Ælfwine , which says that none of the royal councils are hidden from him , and asks for his intercession with the queen so that the writer might be given a fishery .
11 The group left , reportedly after being told by Papua New Guinea officials that the Indonesians would be given permission to remove them by force .
12 The British argued that the Soviets should be given no reason to think that an East–West war could be confined to Central and Western Europe .
13 VAT and PAYE ) , where the company acts as a tax collector rather than a taxpayer , the Cork Committee considered that the Crown should be given a preference as other creditors had no legitimate expectation of payment from this source .
14 In addition we will have with us and I am sure that the opportunity should be given to him to share news on Zimbabwe and the drought situation .
15 The World Health Organisation recommends that the vaccine can be given to children without symptoms , while the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation in the UK recommends that children should not receive the vaccine — whether they are with or without symptoms .
16 The World Health Organisation recommends that the vaccine can be given to children without symptoms , while the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation in the U.K. recommends that children should not receive the vaccine — whether they are with or without symptoms .
17 ( 3 ) Factual evidence will always be historic in nature in the sense that the witness will be giving evidence of events and matters which have occurred before he gives evidence .
18 The local authority , on the other hand , say that ‘ the care given to the child ’ in section 31(2) ( b ) ( i ) means the care given by the mother to the child in this case and that , in any event , it is not clear that the child would go to the grandmother 's if a care order was not made , because the mother is still claiming , or was still claiming , that the care should be given to her .
19 We urged on him that the RUC must be given a ‘ fraud squad ’ as quickly as possible .
20 In November 1558 they appeared to offer even more , when parliament agreed that the dauphin should be given the crown matrimonial .
21 This argument , which is based on grounds of natural justice and procedural fairness , is resisted by counsel for the Secretary of State , partly because the statutory structure does not require that the information should be given and partly in reliance on the decision of this court in Payne v. Lord Harris of Greenwich [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 754 .
22 Knowing that the fox might be given a bad time afterwards would n't be a lot of consolation .
23 In Brutus v. Cozens ( H.L. , 1973 ) Lord Reid said that the words must be given their ordinary English meaning .
24 However , the Capital Taxes Office is likely to raise the following " standard " question : what discussions took place between the parties at or before the time of the deed of variation about how the assets which went to the spouse under the deed of variation were to be dealt with by the surviving spouse , ie was there some sort of plan or understanding that the property would be given to the children ?
25 And that the district should be given some form of a guide that enables them to be er to apply the particular circumstances to their own district .
26 The defendants were held liable for both the original injury and the encephalitis , as it was foreseeable that the plaintiff would be given an anti-tetanus injection .
27 But being a liberal-democracy also implies that the minorities must be given a chance to become a majority ; and that means , therefore , that they must be given a chance status and a means to convert the majority .
28 Although the idea that the remedies should be given singly is the classical approach and was advocated strongly by the American physician Dr James Tyler Kent , other approaches , developed particularly in France and Germany , use mixtures of remedies .
29 According to a survey conducted for the BBC in April 1974 by Professor Richard Rose , sixty-nine per cent of the people of Northern Ireland thought that the executive should be given a chance to govern but this finding was contradicted by the results of a general election two months earlier and may reflect the general tendency of survey respondents to make statements in response to poll questions which are more moderate than their real views .
30 It is vitally important that the engineer should be given as much information as possible and should not be merely invited to turn up at the site and work things out alone .
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