Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [pron] [pron] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As in the 1977 NOP survey , our 1979 survey showed that very few people buying on credit had considered any type of credit other than the one they had actually used .
2 But having said that , er you are quoting a national statistic at me , er there are a number of workforces that have had increases substantially higher than the one you 've just mentioned , to whit some , the car workers and the settlements recently there .
3 If you want a view altogether grimmer and more inhuman than the one you have just relished in the easeful valley of Lescun , then drive on up to the top of the Col du Somport .
4 Safly and hardle are both in the -ly suffix group ; but the child who misspells safly seems to understand about the suffix -ly and so is potentially a better speller than the one who has n't understood the suffix and produces hardle .
5 Far from having run its course , the struggle for the emancipation of the serfs was about to enter an even more heated phase than the one it had just been going through .
6 er , this is not of , this is not of the point , in fact it 's on it , it 's a point which I asked you before and er it concerned , I think it 's the same case as the one we 've just been mentioning the , with the commission of objecting to erm appeal procedures on the grounds they are unfair , is that , that 's the same one is n't it ? , let me just perhaps look at it
7 In three months , too , while she knew she would n't get a job that paid as well as the one she had now , she should have secured another job , should n't she ?
8 He can however close out the position by simply buying an option of exactly the same description as the one he had previously sold .
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