Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] a [noun] it seem " in BNC.

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1 In the abortive Artois offensive of May 1915 , the attack by Pétain 's Corps at Vimy Ridge was so well prepared that for a moment it seemed as if the whole German front might collapse .
2 Before the last Test at the Oval , Gower exhorted his troops to ‘ one last , big effort ’ to avoid completely ignominy , and for a while it seemed that they might .
3 All are searching for peace of mind and for a while it seem that Ilmorog can offer this .
4 In February 1973 an eruption suddenly burst out on the tiny island of Heimaey , and for a time it seemed as though the town of Heimaey , Iceland 's biggest fishing port , would be destroyed .
5 Gower , in at No. 5 , was left 18 not out , and for a time it seemed that the match had been swung .
6 Rodrigo , hearing of this , rushed to Alfonso 's aid and for a moment it seemed that the Emperor would relent and rescind El Cid 's banishment .
7 Fergus gave a truly terrible cry , and for a moment it seemed as if a sudden coldness had descended .
8 She did not turn her head when Melissa entered and for a moment it seemed that she was unaware of her presence .
9 It was n't the kind of thing that had ever been heard on Detroit radio before , but for a while it seemed to be going okay .
10 But as a suggestion it seems rather to name the difficulty than to solve it : which false beliefs are to be counted as relevant ?
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