Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] how it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Greenpeace has little idea of how radioactive the waste was in the four incidents described , or of how it was sealed in protective casing .
2 At the same time , finance is becoming inextricable from questions of industrial policy : do differences in the cost of capital , or in how it is provided , or in the way in which firms are owned , affect firms ' competitiveness in America , Europe and Japan ?
3 Details of the secondary booklet and of how it is intended to be used are given in Chapter 4 , which presents case studies of two secondary schools making use of it .
4 Those that survived — particularly those that both survived and thrived , as in ancient Egypt — have left us ample evidence both of the danger , and of how it was met .
5 The potential will depend on what is transferred ( not just , how advanced ? but also , how compatible ? ) ; and on how it is transferred ( is the end user a resourceful user ? is know-how to accompany hardware ? is the information flow to be continuous ? is the effort to be concentrated in a particular sector or dispersed in dribs and drabs across many ? )
6 There is nothing manufactured by man that has not been designed , because whether it 's a Rolls-Royce engine or a piece of printed paper , there 's always a decision to be made not only about what it 's going to look like but about how it is going to be made and how it is going to operate .
7 A much more positive way forward must be found , one which does justice to the insights of both sides , and which seeks to avoid the criticism which both sides must face as to how it is delivered in the classroom .
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