Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] other [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These objections imply that technology can not be a guide to other aspects of society , or in other words that there is no inevitable association between technology and other aspects of society .
2 The requirement is as real as any other in the construction industry , but it is interesting to note that take-up in the RICS , with its earlier commitment to obligatory CPD , has been higher than in other professions where it has so far been voluntary .
3 Perhaps there were more of these poles in Santa Maria in Portico than in other vicoli because there were two laundries in the street .
4 I think this argument 's about the benefit of the countryside is somewhat debatable to say the least And these arguments that are put about why we should n't ban fox hunts because of all the benefits and the tradition are exactly the same arguments that were put about otters and about badgers and about other sports that we have , that we no longer consider satisfactory and have opposed .
5 So colleagues if the moves of motion three one four er would come down and move their motion and with other colleagues if they would come down to the rostrum please it would save time .
6 Simple text editing can be performed and files loaded and saved to and from other directories but it lacks the power of SideKick 's notepad , in fact it 's even more basic than Spotlight 's offering .
7 Their willingness to grant ex-parte and interlocutory injunctions has meant that liberties are sometimes extinguished without proper adjudication , and on other occasions that their vindication has been crucially delayed ( see the Zircon affair and the Spycatcher litigation in Chapter 5 ) .
8 I met her once or twice , at church and at other houses where there were children of our age .
9 But , as on other occasions when they think for themselves , they may well end up agreeing with you .
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