Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [v-ing] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The central characters are emphasised by pushing them into the foreground with bold biting or by establishing them appropriately within an off-beat compositional design .
2 It follows that the courts can contribute to the prison numbers crisis either by sending more people to prison than they need to , or by sending them there for longer than is necessary .
3 By most estimates it would cost at least $1 billion to level Russia 's and America 's plutonium mountains , either by mixing it with waste in glass , or by burning it away in special reactors .
4 This technique involves spreading out the pastel dust with a tissue as an exceptionally thin film into which delicate variations can then be introduced , either by dabbing on more dust , perhaps of different colours , or by lifting it away with a putty eraser .
5 He believes in his heart and conscience , as I do , that the Government are doing this thing without the consent of the country , that in pressing it forward without the approval of the country they are as much a revolutionary committee as President Huerta who governs Mexico .
6 We believe that by circulating it widely to politicians decision-makers in both the public and private sectors , journalists , other voluntary bodies and so on , we will be doing the best we can to raise awareness and interest in sustainability .
7 We believe that by circulating it widely to politicians , decision- makers in both the public and private sectors , journalists , other voluntary bodies and so on , we will be doing the best we can to raise awareness and interest in sustainability .
8 By mounting the diodes on diamond blocks , the heat generated at the base of the diode can be conducted away far more rapidly than by mounting it directly on a copper heat sink .
9 Strength and independence are useful prerequisites in de-fending ourselves against the effects of stress , but they need the support of a communal sense of responsibility , of sharing a load , and of sharing it fairly in order to make the load feel lighter .
10 Only an organisation of this kind was capable of doing justice to the cause of the deaf and dumb and of representing it properly at national level .
11 Lewis 's eldils , for instance , are little more than the angels of Judaeo-Christian tradition ; but by confusing them linguistically with Tolkien 's eldalie ( in The Silmarillion ) , he implies that the elves of mat mythology are angelic , which they are not — they are simply elves .
12 That might have attracted more women and young readers — but by taking them partly from the Mirror .
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