Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As soon as she entered the room she knew that Clare had already been telling tales ; or at least complaining to her colleagues .
2 The Prime Minister has the capacity to determine the scope of the various offices , or to take-over a department either in practice or by actually adding to his or her own responsibilities .
3 The match was a hard-fought contest and after much cheating on their part , the prisoners ran out 3–0 victors with a doubtful hat-trick by Rudolph Hess .
4 She never walked on the beach , and without ever thinking about it he had assumed she did n't because she did n't want to spoil her shoes .
5 Preferably by retaining the two-thirds majority , but at least ensuring as my Noble Friend Lord has suggested , a clear majority and I myself will go on reiterating the principle , enunciated by Professor in the er and also much commended by some elements in the Conservative Party and he said you can not have real effective democracy without real effective local self government , and he said that in the light of his experiences in pre-war Germany .
6 Initially they both showed signs of running a mile and denying all knowledge , but by cunningly playing on their male pride , their desire to believe they were ‘ a better man ’ than their rival , she made each one mad with jealousy of the other , and finally had her pick of which she preferred , leading him up the aisle of the Methodist Chapel well before the bulge began to show .
7 At least , Stanley Jones mentions in his deeply interesting new biography that doubts have been cast on the authenticity of the celebrated exit line , though without actually vouching for it he considers it just what Hazlitt would have said .
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