Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adv] i [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't go to photocalls or to anywhere I know a mass of photographers are going to be .
2 THE next leg of my journey takes me the short drive to Regensburg and from there I follow a minor road to Cham , last stop before the German-Czech border post .
3 Faldo said : ‘ I tried to go for it and at least I put a scare into the guys out there .
4 As I failed to do this I spent the entire journey staring intently at the zip of my coat and at least I learned a lot about clothes fastenings that morning .
5 There are plans to make for tomorrow , but for now I want a dreamless sleep .
6 On the 199 bus I sit upstairs where it 's smokier than at Victor 's but at least I get a good view of the streets below .
7 But at least I got a terrific interview .
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