Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] has [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We found that in areas of Southern Norway and Sweden , and areas of Scotland where there are hard granite rocks and thin soils , that many of the lakes and streams have shown er a progressive acidification since the industrial revolution , and that this has accelerated in recent years , until about ten years ago , when er the emissions of So2 from the U K , particularly fell , about , between about nineteen seventy and er today of about thirty or fell forty per cent drop .
2 He accepts that there have been changes , in particular the modern office has grown in size , but he denies that this has led to clerical workers becoming proletarian .
3 I re do regret that this has come to full council yet again because I thought we 'd already had the debate .
4 Equally important the Chairman 's office is colocated with the Secretariat and this has led to increased efficiency in the conduct of the profession 's affairs .
5 We know much more than anyone could possibly want to know about Bill and Hillary 's sex life er than we do er about prospects for economic recovery and this has happened to successive American presidents and it happens in part because in the U S the president and his family , and it has been a his so far , the president and his family take the part , not only the part played in England by the prime minister , but also the part played by the monarchy .
6 ‘ But no All Black team other than 1967 and 1924 has gone through unbeaten and we know very well we will have tough games against Wales and Ireland . ’
7 A recent study did not identify a blood glucose level above which complications developed in the diabetic patient with infarction ( Gwilt et al , 1984 ) , and one has to rely on clinical judgement of what is reasonable .
8 I know one gay bar in London which used occasionally to screen porn videos , including safer-sex videos , but that has stopped after discreet pressure from the local nick .
9 But such enthusiasm for working on as many projects as possible has lead to serious cautions from doctors for Merton .
10 In general , PCs should not be regarded as belonging exclusively to one user , as this has resulted in extreme peaks and troughs in individual machine usage .
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