Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] has [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 in large measure the character of the lanes erm or or the importance of the lanes is in their their pattern , their alignment , and the impact that that has had on the distribution of buildings and spaces along them .
2 I assume that the Minister is aware that 750,000 tonnes of CFCs are used in the world every year and that that has resulted in an ozone layer hole as large as Alaska .
3 Firstly to our Current Master Fellow , , who gave me my initial tuition in embalming , but more than that has acted as a mentor throughout my career , for that I am forever grateful .
4 Indeed , the value of those interests may depend to a large degree upon the obligations that each has assumed in the lease .
5 In part it would appear that this has arisen from a tendency to see questions of housing and home life as matters of individual and privatised choice , to be set aside from the mainstream of political life where employment is the crucial issue .
6 Proctor argues that this has led to an increasingly transient workforce on the wards .
7 It is possible that this has contributed to the risk of the glider zooming too high just after take off .
8 The second point is that the A C C are , are , I think , the second point is that there was a deputation to the Minister yesterday , so if , in a sense it 's a little late unless it was picked up by Mr yesterday , it may be a little late to do something for this year , er , I mean obviously next year is I think going to be the er , important issue , and the A C C has already circulated all Shire counties er , it 's picked up that this has happened to the majority of counties , although again the south east er , has escaped from that , and it 's asking for the sort of figures we 're debating this morning .
9 He added that this has happened against a background of 1,000 more jobless in the last two years .
10 We have just been advised that the study of the proposed L.R.T. system has now been completed , and that this has resulted in a proposal that the L.R.T. lines will only extend as far as Dundonald .
11 There have been frequent attacks in the media on ‘ trendy teaching methods ’ and falling academic standards , and there can be no doubt that this has resulted in a deterioration of teachers ' status in society .
12 The Museum is a registered Charity with no public funding and Mick Miller , Finance Trustee , said : ‘ This sponsorship is a very generous gesture and we are delighted that this has come from an enterprising local company which has pledged support for our activities for the next three years . ’
13 This research influences the way volunteers work with victims but it is also passed on by Victim Support to other organisations that might find it useful : it provides an input into every police training course in Britain , and that has led to a potential new area of work .
14 And that has resulted in the restriction of the annulus width of the greenbelt .
15 And that has to come from the people involved in the game at the top , those who shape the future and direction of the sport .
16 We have about a ninety , ninety five percent , I think , qualified staff , and that has improved over the last eight years from
17 If the lunar curves in Figure 6.9 can roughly be applied to Mercury then crater erasure took place before about 4000 Ma ago , and most of the present craters , which may also have given rise to the smooth plains , were in place by about 3000 Ma ago , and little has happened on the Mercurian surface since except for the effects of tidal slow-down and interior shrinkage .
18 Our growing appetite for the sweet and sticky has contributed to the R and K Wise success story .
19 More recently it has been recognised that students will benefit more from the provision of good quality language support than from long periods spent learning English in ESL courses and this has led to a shift in resources towards the mainstream classroom .
20 A list of deadlines and responsibilities was drawn up and agreed between the two departments and this has led to a better understanding of each others tasks and the benefits of compliance .
21 And this has led to a relative lack of concern for other diseases which are much more infectious , which can also be fatal and which are much more widespread in the population .
22 In most cases these families are poor , but they have brought with them the petit-bourgeois values of financially better-off days , and this has led to an apparently unquenchable materialism .
23 But he still maintains a special affection for Northern Ireland , and this has led to an exciting project initiated by the Arts Council , in association with Queen 's University and the Festival — Demidenko will give six recitals in Northern Ireland ( not just Belfast ) plus six masterclasses for five young Ulster pianists , in the 1991–2 season , finishing in May .
24 The site is only four miles from Corinium and this has led to the speculation that the establishment may have had a special function in a large estate .
25 Councillors differ in their attitude to their role and this has led to the development by political scientists of typologies to describe the variations .
26 As a consequence , the uppermost part of the formation was subjected to a more intense phase of leaching than the underlying cycles and this has resulted in the development of higher porosities and permeabilities of up to 10% and 400 mD respectively .
27 The Soviet view of neutralisation in the 1970s and 1980s has evolved from the legalistic and Eurocentric notion of neutralisation which Eastern and Western statesmen held in common in earlier decades and sought to apply to particular disputes .
28 Wild rabbits can be kept in captivity and eventually tamed , and it is , in fact , because this has happened through the centuries that we now see so many variations .
29 Lydia asks me to pass her thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously to the campaign and says that while little has changed in the way of living conditions for the prisoners and their families , the campaigners are confident of their victory .
30 We have worked our way directly to a fair , simple and durable solution while Labour has wandered around the highways and byways throwing up and discarding enough nutty ideas to revive the Monty Python show .
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