Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] that [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Certain of these cash flows may be highly predictable , for example the outflows associated with fixed interest debt ; others may be very difficult to predict , for example those associated with fluctuating commodity prices or those that depend on the vagaries of consumer taste and fashion .
2 Hopper and Fonda were looking for finance , although all that existed at the time was an eight-page outline for the plot , which Fonda had been toting around .
3 The British people will also note that all that came from the spokesman for the Government who have raised the tax burden to its highest level in British history .
4 The percentage propulsive rate ( 26.6% ) in the interposed colon is significantly lower than that seen in the normal oesophagus ( 80% ) , and more than double that seen in the left hemicolon in its normal location ( 10% ) .
5 It was held by the Court of Appeal that the pilot 's drunkenness was so extreme and obvious that participating in the flight was like engaging in an intrinsically and obviously dangerous occupation .
6 When Mr Ramsay died in 1943 the Leaders paid tribute to one who was greatly loved : ‘ Testimony was given to his worth and zeal in the work and all that pertained to the welfare of the church , and particularly to his services in the choir and his love for the weekly prayer meeting . ’
7 Lastly , all that Louis IX abandoned in favour of Henry III — his fiefs and domains in Limousin , Quercy , and Périgord ( the so-called ‘ three dioceses ’ ) and all that remained to the Plantagenets of the ancient duchy of Aquitaine — was to be held by the king of England as an hereditary fief .
8 As Skinner ( 1985 ) points out , plants or clones derived from the parent plant are not always genetically identical and those that differ from the parent plant are known as somatic variants or ‘ sports ’ .
9 If people understood formal legislation as only a matter of negotiated solutions to discrete problems , with no underlying commitment to any more fundamental public conception of justice , they would draw a sharp distinction between two kinds of encounters with fellow citizens : those that fall within and those that fall outside the scope of some past political decision .
10 And we walked down clubbing right and left , and we cleared the streets and those that fell to the floor were carried off by those who had hidden behind when we went past .
11 In the case of processes , the division between those that make up the longue durée and those that belong to the sphere of conjonctures is bound to be rough ; there is no absolute division between a gradual increase in population lasting for a century and a cycle of growth and decline lasting a mere seventy-five years , a fact reflected in the organisation of La Méditerranée .
12 Although Le Roy Ladurie 's approach is less haphazard , he too switches back and forth between structural explanations that assume the rationality of individual agents , and those that appeal to the psychology of the unconscious .
13 The decree of 1616 did attempt to discriminate between books that aimed to reconcile the earth 's motion with Scripture and those that remained within the confines of astronomical hypothesis .
14 I want every house in Albert Terrace and any that lie between the terrace and the town checked .
15 But all that changed at the next , as the loose horses stopped and swerved broadside to the take-off side of the fence .
16 Some of the holidays that cater for the younger element may still be slanted towards pairing people off , but those that cater for the older age groups are not .
17 The first cells to leave will form proximal structures , like the humerus , whereas those that remain in the progress zone longest will form the tips of the digits .
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