Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] be [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Terms such as alternative , natural , unorthodox , or unconventional are closely related but not synonymous .
2 More than two-thirds were privately educated and 400 went to Eton .
3 Bearing in mind that 500,000 Nepalese soldiers served with the British forces in the two world wars , that no fewer than 50,000 were either killed or seriously wounded , that 13 won Victoria Crosses , that 13 British officers serving with the Gurkhas also won Victoria Crosses , and that under ’ Options for Change ’ we are proposing to reduce the number of Gurkhas from 8,000 to 2,500 , can my hon. Friend assure the House that the Foreign Office will take into account the reduction in what amounts to aid , currently provided through pay and pensions , in its future plans for aid to Nepal ?
4 Drinking water supplies are believed to be contaminated ; the sale of bottled water to Koreans is prohibited by law ( foreigners are exempt ) , although this is increasingly flouted as concern over water safety grows .
5 Although this is often construed as ‘ thou shalt not do this ’ , or ‘ thou shalt not do that ’ , holiness is really Christian discipline for the service of Christ .
6 To ensure that this is both recognised and accepted , an effective programme of IT Security Awareness is essential .
7 A crystal monochromator may be used to narrow the line and eliminate unwanted components , but the increase in complexity and the reduction in intensity that are inevitably involved mean that this is only done if very high resolution is required ( see below ) .
8 Nevertheless , her descriptions of specialist homes show that few are specially designed and few have the enhanced staffing levels that would be necessary for specialist care .
9 We have shown that in over 110000 deliveries there are only small , non-significant differences in perinatal mortality rates between hospitals when the place of booking is considered and that these are further reduced when adjustments are made to allow for the risk factors known at booking .
10 The other notable exceptions are ‘ ordinary wear and tear , ordinary leakage and breakage , inherent vice of the subject matter insured ’ — although these are normally expressed as specific exclusions on the face of the Policy , it should be borne in mind that we have these defences at law .
11 The waiters were dressed in velvet knee breeches , silk stockings and tail coats , their heads topped with powdered wigs ( although these were later discarded because , it is said , a passenger complained that powder had dropped into his soup ) .
12 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , the plan of the Victorian house and the Victorian city have this in common : that both are so designed that the few who live on the privileged side of the divide need know nothing of the many who are crowded beyond it into a fraction of the space .
13 According to the World Bank in its report on Energy Transition in the Developing Countries ( 1984 ) , energy supply has the potential almost to double in the years to 1995 provided that available resources both financial and technical are strategically deployed and realistic pricing policies are established and maintained .
14 Some have been toppled , and some are so eroded that they appear to be nothing more than wind-scoured boulders .
15 But I feel that the weak point in the imagery is in the use of ‘ pathetic fallacy and this is clearly shown when Pip is about to meet his benefactor and there is a raging storm outside to show change
16 Fundamental to British education is the aim to help all children achieve their full potential , and this is generally seen as involving building on the strengths children bring with them to schools .
17 While the forge is always warm and inside is the loving , childlike Joe who has goodness all around him and this is particularly shown when he looks after Pip when he has a fever and the power of that scene .
18 All the early Fleetwood Mac guitar tones are available in the middle position and this is further accentuated when both humbuckers are coil-tapped .
19 Each book contains an unnumbered introductory unit teaching the complete phonemic alphabet and this is constantly revised and practised throughout both levels .
20 A word with letters in uncommon positions is regarded as having low orthographic redundancy , and this is sometimes described as low spatial redundancy .
21 Administration of platelet activating factor ( 50 µg/kg ip ) caused significant reduction in basal protein secretion by about 30% and this was completely reversed when TCV-309 ( 50 µg/kg ) was administered before the platelet activating factor injection ( Fig 1 ) .
22 One man died and another was critically injured when their car was hit by a train at an unmanned railway crossing .
23 Three months ago a worker died and another was badly injured when a lorry ploughed into them on the hard shoulder .
24 One man has died and another was seriously injured when a fifteen tonne machine fell on them at a factory in Gloucestershire .
25 One man has died and another was seriously hurt when their lorry crashed on the M-forty in Oxfordshire in icy conditions .
26 Bars 11 and 12 are easily played if you finger a 4-string E chord at the 12th fret .
27 There are some differences , however , and these are best understood if we consider first those who may vote in local elections and second those who may be elected as councillors .
28 Examination of the mechanical behaviour shows that there are five distinguishable states in which a linear amorphous polymer can exist and these are readily displayed if a parameter such as the elastic modulus is measured over a range of temperatures .
29 The majority were Spaniards , but there were many from South America , particularly Venezuela , and these were better dressed and better off than the other students , a fact that caused some resentment .
30 Those hardy souls in the present century who ignore the mysteries and regard themselves as random atoms , moving purposelessly in a world of blind chance , must necessarily behave differently from those who , like so many in the nineteenth century , believed that they inhabited an ordered world in which they had moral duties to perform , even if these were obscurely glimpsed and seldom accomplished .
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