Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [vb past] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some resembled filaments of algae ; others , while they were unmistakably organic , had no parallels with living organisms ; and some looked to be identical with the simplest form of life existing today , bacteria .
2 The authorities responding to the national survey questionnaire all said that they would offer the services of an interpreter , if this appeared to be necessary .
3 The shelling stopped and all appeared to be quiet ; even the sniping had ceased .
4 Patients attending hospital clinics had worse glycaemic control , but this seemed to be attributable to the case mix and practice characteristics .
5 But this had to be real specific and it was probably the biggest challenge I 've ever had .
6 It had been my intention to seek out a further interview with Mr Cardinal with minimum delay , but this proved to be impossible , owing largely to the arrival that same afternoon — some two days earlier than expected — of Mr Lewis , the American senator .
7 Western railway companies like the Union Pacific built immigrant lodging-houses and segregated eating-places at stations throughout the West , and attempted to keep immigrant and normal trains separate , but this proved to be impossible at the larger stations .
8 There were some granulomatous area on the lower edges of the lungs , possibly caused by migrating worms , but these seemed to be old lesions and not evidence of a newly acquired disease .
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