Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] from [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And then , finally , out of sight but only fifty or sixty yards from this room in the field next the garden , there lies buried the main street of the old village that was wiped out by the Black Death .
2 Jentsch 's book consists of detailed catalogue entries of 549 artist 's books and brief biographical details of more than 400 artists with an illustration of one or more pages from each book .
3 One or more peptides from each antigen bound to HLA-B53 in an HLA assembly ( binding ) assay and these were tested further using lymphocytes from Africans naturally exposed to malaria .
4 He ignores the possibility of a straight refusal or any interruptions from another source bar the poet for fear of tarnishing his dream with any slight touch of realism .
5 The absurdity became clearer if one imagined twenty or thirty writers from another era occupying the air-conditioned coach that took us from the Hyde Park Regis to the Riverside .
6 This collection is a sampler only — there are no more than six poems from each poet — but it testifies to the way in which poetry can — and does — survive in the most unpropitious circumstances .
7 I hesitate to pronounce on the degree of tranquillity in his life , but since 1943 he has not been further than sixty miles from this spot .
8 On the question of registration of electors , clearly it is very important that if we now have less than nine weeks from this evening for those possibly four hundred thousand people to seek registration then the it is essential that the minister and the department er engage in a serious advertising campaign to ensure that people can exercise the rights that are due to them and I would like the minister perhaps in his later remarks , to expand on what , if any , measure the government intends to take to publicise the fact of E C voting rights to those four hundred thousand or so er European citizens of voting age resident in this country .
9 REDCAR 'S West Indian professional Clayton Lambert likes batting at Northallerton and with a fine day forecast the Seasider 's should get no less than 15 points from this contest despite the absence of seam bowler Mick Smallwood , who is injured .
10 The North proposed convening a " political consultative conference for national reunification " in either Seoul or Pyongyang , to be attended by 50 delegates drawn from political parties and public organizations from each side .
11 This facility is enhanced if it is possible to select specific related , narrower and broader terms from this display and perform a search upon them .
12 National Savings were particularly competitive in the 1980's when emphasis was placed on raising government funds from this source , largely because it relieved the need somewhat to borrow from the banking system which created credit and therefore inflationary conditions , and because of the fear that government borrowing in the long-term capital markets would tend to ‘ crowd-out ’ industrial and commercial companies from that market , and impede their ability to raise funds for capital investment and long-term growth .
13 While Iraq demanded the unconditional release of all prisoners-of-war ( PoWs ) and their return to their countries of origin on " humanitarian and legal " grounds , Iran insisted that the issue of prisoner exchange could not be separated from territorial questions and called for the simultaneous withdrawal of Iranian and Iraqi troops from each other 's territory with prisoner exchange .
14 Many of the local and regular skaters from this era went on to become house-hold names in the UK and International skate scene ; people such as Steve Douglas , Bod Boyle , Danny Webster , Sean Goff , Mark Abrook , Barry Abrook , Shane Rouse , Phil Burgoyne , Davross , Gary Lee , Don Brider , Rodga Harvey and many many others .
15 Repeat this process ( through ljadi ) until all routes from that node have been followed ( now followed each of ‘ c ’ , ‘ l ’ and ‘ i ’ routes from the ‘ d ’ node ) .
16 Since the very basis of the Technique rests upon Alexander 's discovery that it was impossible to separate the physical , emotional and mental states from each other , then it follows that the way in which we use our bodies will , in turn , alter the way in which we think and how we feel emotionally .
17 It was Peter Stone who popularised the theory , and then went on to prove its validity by float fishing at different depths and catching big bream from one depth and smaller ones from another depth .
18 To give one example , items in a coordinated list are typically incompatibles , and gross deviations from this lead to abnormality :
19 Even though there are both specific and general exemptions from this provision it is so important to the client that the solicitor must be at pains to explain its effect very carefully to an applicant for legal advice .
20 Throughout that decade Vox were one of the few British guitar ‘ names ’ , and certain models from that era have become much sought-after by collectors .
21 Question design is always given very careful attention in terms both of phrasing and ordering within modules ; the initial and final questions from each module are designed to facilitate topic shifts to other modules in the system .
22 This is because some samples from these predator species have near equivalence in numbers , and all the individual pellet samples have either this near equivalence or a deficit of both incisors and molars .
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