Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] that [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the large number of coins which have survived and the way they have survived in hoards has made them the most datable objects from the ancient or medieval worlds that we possess .
2 or or bring any more erm , little wrinkles or little lines that we have .
3 And these picture , they 're two or three incidents that we 've had recently , they are fairly horrible .
4 They in turn got it from a hospital in Leeds , and I know of one other implementation in Sheffield of this particular system , so there may be two or three others that I do n't know about , perhaps four or five in this country , of this particular type .
5 Two or three things that we need to decide here today and that 's the purpose of these discussions .
6 Because any one of these two or three things that I show you is enough if it 's a surprise to them they will blow you out .
7 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
8 These three parts of your analysis — Antecedent events , Behaviour , and Consequences — can be termed the ABC , or basic units that you need to consider if you want to change your behaviour in the way you wish .
9 However , using any form of medication should be a last resort and it is only in the last four or five years that I have used herbal remedies ( for eighteen years before that I used no treatments ) as a lot of minor problems will heal themselves , provided that the tank is healthy and the water quality is good .
10 Do not forget the significance of any shares that you hold in the company or any rights that you have under a share incentive scheme .
11 The problem for would-be physiological psychologists is that until relatively recently there have been no other natural phenomena or man-made devices that we understand better than human behaviour that could act as a model or analogy .
12 and it 's , it 's multiplied by about three or four times that you see
13 So , if you 've got , sort of , three or four stories that you know , that you could deal with , the type of question you might get is , discuss how erm , different writers deal with the subject of change , with reference to probably about three stories .
14 The pictures can then be made as a set right from the beginning , rather than just hanging together three or four pictures that you have already made , in the hope that they will be complementary .
15 To design cards for this stitch type is no more difficult than for any other type of stitch pattern , but there are one or two rules that you need to obey .
16 aye , let's have a separate meeting on that I mean I 've largely left it up to and and one or two others that I 've met up there
17 ‘ Next time I come , I 'll bring one or two gowns that I know will fit you . ’
18 if it 's just like one exam or two exams that they 've failed or they 've been ill for or they 've missed or something they 're offered the opportunity to sit those in September then we have another exam board in September
19 The group is trying to avoid the cry of ‘ not another one ’ by pointing out that the scheme has one or two extras that we have not seen before .
20 ‘ Except for one or two episodes that I suppose he could n't miss , just to try , there was never a chance .
21 It 's , it 's not , perhaps it 's no accident er maybe those or other factors that you do tend the lowest turn outs in metropolitan districts the big city districts .
22 Pound 's point , of course , in these essays reprinted from magazines and from earlier collections like Pavannes & Divisions ( 1918 ) or Instigations ( 1920 ) , is that these matters that we think of as recondite should not be so regarded .
23 He held that beliefs in laws and theories are nothing more than psychological habits that we acquire as a result of repetitions of the relevant observations .
24 We must also recognise that any changes that we make will almost certainly not satisfy people outside .
25 They may not all want to leave the Soviet Union ( indeed , whatever shape it takes in the future , Mr Yeltsin 's Russia will expect to be leader of the pack ) , but neither do the union 's supporters want to hand back the new economic and political freedoms that they have won .
26 Among other things it suggested that teachers should be assessed on the clarity of their teaching objectives ; the quality of their notes , handouts , and visual aids ; qualitative assessments of their performance in lecturing , fieldwork , etc ; the volume and range of teaching they undertake ; the range of assessment techniques they use ; managerial responsibilities and innovative approaches that they take on ; and the number of invitations they receive as guest lecturers and speakers elsewhere .
27 That position received the strongest support from various members of the family , and it was only by strenuous and prolonged efforts that I have been able to persuade them to let me bring you this memorandum , which contains , as I 've said , all the relevant items in the letter . ’
28 I run the search room there , which means that erm people come into Pelham House , they usually meet me at a desk and the end of a telephone , and I put them onto the documents that they want to look at and I make sure that they 're ordered up from where they 're kept in one of the various repositories and strong rooms that we 've got .
29 I have n't taken into account the suggestion forms that I had this morning and some quiffs that I have n't had .
30 On the other hand , most of the political and commercial conferences that I do are either for presentation on television of important policies or for discussion and debate on serious issues .
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