Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] [pron] is [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But although Biarritz still has a statue of Queen Victoria , that of Edward VII was blown up during the Second World War , on political rather than aesthetic or moral grounds it is said .
2 Colchester junior club 's open session at Colchester Leisure World attracted more than 50 youngsters It is hoped to have a junior team linked to the seniors with training on Wednesday from 5.30 to 7 at Highwoods Leisure Centre .
3 Now a crucially important consequence of basing an ethic on ‘ Be aware ’ will be to extend to value the neutrality as to spatial , temporal and personal viewpoints which is claimed for fact .
4 Again she prays and for three days and three nights she is swept through cold northern seas until she is cast ashore on the sands of Culleross on the north side of our Solway Firth .
5 Firstly , er , I could assure the committee that the working party on provision of secondary and primary places which is published by the education committee , is taking the auditor 's report very seriously , and has been through it in detail , and has er , drawn up a programme of , of analysis , erm , over the next few months , very much taking into account the district auditor 's comments .
6 If he makes a will , as most men do , it is almost certain that he will set apart a considerable proportion for the saying of masses ; if he should neglect to do so , and in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it is regarded as almost a sin to die without making a will , the Church ought to make the provision which he has failed to make for his soul .
7 When we see the shops and the streets with their decorations and shining lights everything is transformed .
8 The Imperial War Museum 's arrival in the town and 300–400,000 visitors it is expected to attract every year is just the sort of development the town needs to help fend off an unjustified reputation recently and most controversially fostered by the Wall Street Journal as a dying town .
9 The matrix unc is of very great importance , not only in studies of the intrinsic properties of A , but also in dynamical and other applications it is called the characteristic matrix of A.
10 Studies by Le Page and Tabouret-Keller have provided a further critique on the continuum hypothesis , again denying the scalability of phonological and grammatical variables which is said to lead speakers on a unidirectional , one-step-at-a-time path from the basilect to the acrolect .
11 A romantic vista on a moonlit holiday night is across the Bay of Funchal , and most nights it is made more so by the hundreds of flickering lights on the small fishing boats .
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