Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Catering & Allied came up with a novel solution : copy the stock file on to one of the two 128k data packs which fit into the back of a Psion Organiser , update that file ‘ on the hoof ’ ; and copy the updated file back to the desktop computer .
2 But more than 100 holed up in the police headquarters in Srinagar .
3 The gentleman thought of him only as a person , no more than one step up from a peasant .
4 And that takes up with the .
5 We 've been frozen out there , and that order was worth a couple of million sterling , and that adds up to a hefty pile of wage packets .
6 The track which you follow from the village of Gavarnie to the cirque is necessarily a good , well-worn one , almost a road for much of the journey , through beech woods and then across open grasslands , before the last rough and rocky stretch up into the mouth of the cirque .
7 In their haste to dispose of the money some of it was burned and some ended up in a sewer .
8 Floodwater leaves sand on the planks and this sweeps up into the banks with cornices through which it is possible to step inadvertently .
9 She blinked at Shiona and half sat up on the bed .
10 Bobby Robson said : ‘ I spoke to Bryan and he declared himself fit and willing to join up with the party .
11 Then once this morning Fred 's bum was on his blanket and Windy curled up by the side of him .
12 In the end , we took a taxi and all went up to the mountainous part — a good way into the interior — to a little village called something like Kaloxilos , where Maria 's grandmother lived and had a garden .
13 There were several injuries and all healed up after a while .
14 They say nine out of ten women have problems in learning to feed , and many give up in the first weeks .
15 According to Health Ministry figures , four people had been killed and 93 injured up to the time of the miners ' arrival on the scene .
16 It covered all manual workers and those earning up to a given sum — 430 a year by 1942 .
17 A Japanese-led bloc of Asian nations would be militarily and economically secure , and able to stand up to the threat posed by the nations of Europe and by the United States .
18 ‘ … a more meaningful and relevant physical geography may emerge as the product of a new generation of physical geographers who are willing and able to face up to the contemporary needs of the whole subject , and who are prepared to concentrate on the areas of physical reality which are especially relevant to the man-oriented geography It is in the extinction of the traditional division between physical and human geography that new types of collaborative synthesis can arise . ’
19 Men and women who are now in their forties and fifties grew up in a society that had been first shocked , then revolutionized by the ‘ revelations ’ of American sex researcher Alfred Kinsey .
20 There is nothing worse than playing two superb shots to get within spitting distance of the green on that monster par five , then fluffing two chips and three-putting to end up with the dreaded double-bogey .
21 Even more important , perhaps , were the discussions about the notion of a women 's aesthetic : again and again , the attempt to articulate the new and unspoken came up against the absence of an appropriate language .
22 Both continue to COOPERATE until the end of the game , and both end up with the full 100 per cent ‘ benchmark ’ score of 600 points .
23 Their role has changed from turnkey to nurse but many grew up with the expectation that Rampton would be their career .
24 I 'm included in the squad , but i end up in the terraces in every game .
25 They vary in their estimates of how many patients might trace some or all of their symptoms to food , but most come up with a figure of 20–30 per cent .
26 IXI believes other hardware vendors could be drawn into the initiative as many spend up to a million dollars maintaining their separate Motif developments .
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