Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [modal v] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So that that 'll go out with that that 'll go out with X
2 So that that 'll go out with that that 'll go out with X
3 And have those erm f for specific projects and reports and things like that that could go out in er er i in the future .
4 ‘ He can only drive a specially-adapted car and that would stand out like a sore thumb if he was moving about doing something related to terrorism ’ , Mrs Drumgoole said .
5 She felt Nick had made an enemy of Mr Evans and that might turn out to be dangerous .
6 Others more recently walked from Hailing to Brands Hatch to watch the racing , and many would walk out to Harvel or Luddesdown for the evening 's drink .
7 And more and more will come out on the streets . ’
8 Wayne Clark , SNA architect with Cisco Systems commented that ‘ there will always be customers who go with APPN just because they 're IBM users ’ — but that may turn out to be a dated view : even IBM these days concedes that it is no longer in a position to dictate standards in the brave new world of open systems .
9 But this would leave out of account the main factor that was involved in determining the order of words , which is the meaning of the whole communication .
10 Outbreaks of mainly light rain are expected this evening but these should die out around midnight .
11 But first let's go out onto the river to see how the Oxford Blue boat has been shaping .
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