Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is something more than a mere disturbance of the public calm or quiet but it appears that in the context of public order , the element of violence deemed essential in R. v. Howell ( C.A. , 1982 ) , in relation to powers of summary arrest , has not always been required .
2 I found that interesting because it appears that the Minister does not know how many doctors made a claim that was above the amount of the reimbursement schedule or , if he did know , he was unwilling to tell me , so I must presume that he did not know .
3 The attendance against Middlesbrough yesterday of 25,093 was lower than expected and its seems that most supporter with the necessary three vouchers and Gold Cards will qualify for Cup final tickets .
4 This , however , can not be correct since section 36A , inserted by the 1989 Act , provides that a company need not have a common seal and that whether it has or not ‘ a document signed by a director and the secretary of the company or by two directors and expressed ( in whatever form of words ) to be executed by the company has the same effect as if executed under the common seal of the company . ’
5 And eaten cheese and that and she says that looks nice , but she wo n't try .
6 Peel told the NME : ‘ The Wedding Present 's virtues are that they make records which are direct and uncomplicated and it seems that these are now being regarded as vices in some quarters . ’
7 More weed and a seed quickly becomes established in cracks on the asphalt In future years even willow trees will be in a foothold to these doomed power stations stands firm and proud as it slips and silently into decay
8 Children tend to believe that those adults around them are all-wise and all-powerful and it follows that whatever these adults say must be true .
9 The heroine of Bizet 's opera Carmen is a prime case , passionate in love but also calculating , provocative and infuriating as she teases and ensnares men , bringing out the most dangerous and violent side of their natures .
10 Molly is remarkably cheerful and optimistic and she deserves and will undoubtedly receive all the support we can give her .
11 Likewise , the promise to cut administrative costs by 14 per cent over four years will play well in Peoria , as long as nobody notices that the federal staff is being reduced by only 4.7 per cent ( and those who go need pensions and benefits from the Treasury , still . )
12 Tools are even provided for making legitimate entry … as long as there is no criminal damage to the property itself , and as long as no-one lives or intends to live there , the squatters can change the locks and stay put until a court order forces their eviction .
13 And as long as somebody realizes that that 's our top people erm do that .
14 As long as long as everyone recognizes that for an area of that size , er conditions will vary within it .
15 As long as he knows that he is loved and being thought about .
16 As she watched her daughter run before her down the stairs , she thought , As long as he lives or until she escapes she 'll never be free to do what she likes .
17 I told her she 's welcome to stay up there just as long as she wants and what she said would n't bear repeating .
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