Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] down [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Or tearing down part of the prison ?
2 Ugly and irregular in their bodies as in their features , delineated in harsh thick outlines , these creatures are either static , frozenly waiting — as if for blows — or blackly and stiffly at work , or walking down roads with the clumsy , painful gait of arthritis sufferers .
3 At home she 'd be doing a bit of shopping , gardening perhaps , or turning down invitations to the over-sixties whist drive .
4 TAGH did not compete with binding of labelled EGF , or start down regulation of the EGF receptor on the isolated cells ( Table V ) .
5 I wished I could turn to stone , or put down roots like the spotted laurel and forever let the adjusting wind tweak and fiddle with my clothes to no purpose .
6 As in Wigston , few of the families that put down roots in the parish of Myddle during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries had been there in earlier times ; the turnover of names between the 1370s poll tax returns and the subsidies levied in the reign of Henry VIII was equally remarkable in both parishes .
7 He was forced to withdraw his dissolution , though only after more than two years of controversy , during which time the Council had gone about its business and drafted a number of decrees that restrained the power of the papacy , and laid down reforms throughout the Church .
8 In his version , Gloucester met with Hastings and his allies in the Tower , and cried out that he had been ambushed , whereupon waiting soldiers rushed in and cut down Hastings on the spot .
9 In his version , Gloucester met with Hastings and his allies in the Tower , and cried out that he had been ambushed , whereupon waiting soldiers rushed in and cut down Hastings on the spot .
10 They crossed a bridge and came down steps to the water 's edge .
11 If you are going to the school yourself , you can probably collect quite a lot of this general information by chatting with the teacher and pupils and noting down details of the surroundings .
12 When the final Sunday dawned , John , Nora , and Sarah went to the early service at St. Martin 's Church in Trafalgar Square and walked down Whitehall to the site , arriving just after eleven .
13 And I 'm glad the Chancellor has been fairly tough on public spending and holding down pay in the public sector .
14 Place a glass of water or beer on your head and lay down flat on the floor and then stand up .
15 He 'd been glaring and smashing down glasses on the table and muttering under his breath and I wondered what on earth I 'd done to make him so disturbed , and then I realised I had n't done anything .
16 And drags down Mira to the nether World .
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