Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] she [modal v] [vb infin] it " in BNC.

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1 She had n't been looking forward to this session ; yet , deep down , there was a contrary twinge niggling at her sexuality that insisted she might enjoy it .
2 She drew a line down the centre of Stella 's nose with a stick of No.5 and gestured she should rub it in .
3 As a matter of fact' — he frowned in concentration — ‘ I do recall her putting a matchbook in her handbag at one point and saying she would pass it on to Heather because she collected the things .
4 ‘ She set higher store by emotional security ’ than her sister , ‘ and thought she would find it with a man soft-hearted and caring and pliant , far removed , as she thought , from father 's toughness and uncontrollability . ’
5 She agreed but thought she 'd record it anyway , just in case .
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