Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] they do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thirteen per cent said that none of these factors made any difference , or said they did n't know .
2 They were both speaking in the slightly lowered tone that meant they did not want to be overheard , and were only having the discussion at all because they believed Belinda to be safely out of earshot .
3 Officials at Japan 's Ministry of International Trade & Industry now say that they 're tired of quibbling over market share figures with the US , and say they do n't intend to allow the US to establish a new market share goal in upcoming semiconductor talks , which will begin in Hawaii next Tuesday , the Wall Street Journal reports — ‘ Because there was a controversy over the old 20% figure , which was taken as some form of commitment , we have no intention of referring to any new numbers ’ Koji Matsui , deputy director of the industrial electronics division of the Ministry declared .
4 If they answer the phone and say they do n't know anything about the bed-and-breakfast bookings , a customer could be lost immediately .
5 The police are n't telling us anything — I have n't been able to get as far as Marshall and the others just look mysterious and say they do n't know . ’
6 I do n't want to stand in the doorway and shake hands but it 's a great feeling to go into one of the restaurants and realise they do n't belong to the GrandMet or Imperial , but they are mine ! ’
7 But apart from that pick and mix they do n't do nothing else in small things
8 No : if we want them to fall in love with us , we 'll just have to ignore them , and hope they do n't go away .
9 From each standard the rays of twenty powerful lamps were thrown across the pitch at different angles , and as they intersected and spread they did not leave a dark or even a dull patch …
10 , writes : AMERICAN friends saw the marker stone of the centre of England in Warwickshire and confessed they did not know U.S.A. 's centre .
11 She 'd heard that before and knew they did n't mean it .
12 People are quite often scared and think they do n't want to bother the police we are human beings , we only bite on Thursdays , we 're regularly fed and watered
13 Members of staff have actually come to me and said they did n't want her in on the interviews .
14 because I 'm so surprised that and said they did n't know anything about it
15 For me that was vindication for the disagreements I 'd had with Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson , both of whom saw the music and titles after they 'd been done and said they did n't like them .
16 In the detailed cross-tabulations for our main survey ( not always included in Appendix I ) , we found that women were much more likely to say they did not know what sort of interest rate to expect , and to say they did not understand interest rates well .
17 A last-minute hiccup remained ; U Saw and Ba Sein announced that they could not sign , but Aung San brushed this aside : ‘ Let them resign and say they do not agree with the final statement and do not accept any responsibility for it . ’
18 But Gabriel was in no position to speak up and say they did not want to go . )
19 Venables , who also dismissed reports linking him with jobs in Spain , said : ‘ I 've spoken to the players and suggested they do n't get further involved they 've shown their support .
20 Krabbe and two other German women runners had admitted taking the drug Clenbuterol , but claimed they did not know it was banned .
21 This is flatly denied in the influential though anonymous ‘ Cornell paper ’ issued from the university in January 1966 which accepts that Sukarno and the PKI became involved but claims they did not initiate the plot .
22 Which is not the same thing as saying they do n't exist : the question remains open .
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