Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] that it would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Iraqi government offered to co-operate in return for the lifting of economic sanctions and announced that it would send a mission to New York to discuss this with the UN Security Council on March 10 .
2 After the collapse of Farrow as well as of two major banks in Victoria , the state 's Labor government arranged a line of credit to support other building societies with short-term liquidity problems and announced that it would reform the state 's banking laws to improve protection for depositors .
3 However , the government has now bowed to pressure and announced that it would act as ‘ insurer of last resort ’ for terrorist bomb damage on the British mainland .
4 The Japanese government , along with the Japanese business sector , gave NAFTA a cool response and announced that it would ask the GATT secretariat to examine the treaty to ensure that it was in accord with multilateral trade rules .
5 The survey was mainly restricted to the exterior of the Lancaster and estimated that it would take 2,000 man hours to bring R5868 up to exhibition standards externally .
6 C Will agreed to put this in hand , and estimated that it would take about two months to complete .
7 Donald Brash , the governor of the Reserve Bank , suggested that it gave scope for easing monetary controls and predicted that it would result in lower interest rates .
8 Hong Kong officials described the accord as a " major breakthrough " and predicted that it would take between two and three years to clear the camps .
9 UNITA concluded its seventh congress on March 17 , having re-elected Jonas Savimbi as its president , and stated that it would sign a ceasefire agreement as soon as a date was set for multiparty elections .
10 Among such factions as may exist in a constituency party one is likely to be dominant , and to imagine that it would consent to the nomination of candidates not numbered among its adherents is scarcely realistic .
11 One such school had immediately offered places and declared that it would abide by any access restrictions laid upon it .
12 She remembered how huge she had thought the Longhills ' kitchen on her arrival in Nordale , and reckoned that it would have fitted into a corner of this one .
13 International relief efforts were hindered by the regime 's pro-Iraqi stand on the Gulf crisis , its initial refusal to recognise the gravity of the famine , and fears that it would obstruct the distribution of food , especially to non-Moslem regions in the south where the war with the SPLA was at its height .
14 ‘ I thought about it and decided that it would have been very awkward both for my father and everyone else , not least myself .
15 Many teachers were unsure that they would get much out of the appraisal and felt that it would change little , especially in the light of probable cuts in spending in education .
16 Knowing what he would find when he went there , and knowing that it would pain him , Edouard delayed the moment when he would make a formal inspection of the house .
17 After the demise of the League , South Africa had on several occasions acknowledged that its obligations under the Mandate continued , and asserted that it would conform with these obligations .
18 However , in view of their long-standing relationship the bank was prepared to take a chance and said that it would lend Tack 40% of the purchase price .
19 It went into great detail about how much it would take to start the colliery again and said that it would cost millions of pounds .
20 Iran 's Supreme National Security Council ( SNSC ) on Sept. 21 expressed concern over the pact and said that it would seek " explanations from Kuwait on the contents of the agreement " .
21 He acknowledged the government 's awareness of the adverse social effects of the devaluation and said that it would take measures to alleviate them , including increasing wages in 1993 and compensating government employees who had lost their jobs as a result of the economic changes .
22 At the end of the summer , a beautiful girl passed , and she saw the tall weed , and plucked it and put it in her dress , where it blushed a glorious red and died content ; the weed on the bank saw it die , and laughed , and reflected that it would live till the next year .
23 OAU officials indicated that the visit was only the beginning of the organization 's involvement and suggested that it would maintain a permanent presence in the country until the establishment of a democratic government .
24 Patricia Shroeder , Democrat chair of the House armed services military installations and facilities subcommittee , described the list as " disappointing " , and suggested that it would have a minimal impact on the level of US forces in Europe — currently around 300,000 .
25 You did not have to rush and worry that it would have disappeared by the time you caught up with it .
26 The self-appointed executive council of the " autonomous region " of Krajina adopted on March 16 a formal decision to break away from Croatia permanently , but declared that it would remain a constituent element of the Yugoslav federation .
27 The ANC used the conference to confirm its commitment to the negotiations process , but declared that it would adopt " mass action " programmes to force a change in the government 's position , setting a mid-June deadline .
28 Pondering over the cycle 's military potential , whether or not it might ‘ mitigate the decline of the rural population ’ , fearing that it would tempt people away from the churches , but rejoicing that it would lure others away from ‘ demonstrations in Hyde Park or low-class places of amusement ’ , The Times thus moved its discussion skilfully between different planes of anxiety .
29 They embraced , but knew that it would go no further .
30 They were a little reluctant to do this , but knew that it would provide an essential rapidly growing windbreak .
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