Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] she [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In both cases the creditor had left it to the debtor husband to deal with the surety , his wife , and had done nothing to satisfy itself that she understood what she was doing or to protect her from abuse by the debtor of the influence and reliance that would be likely to be present .
2 So why not go along and give Fiona McVey five minutes of your time while having lunch or join her for coffee in the coffee lounge on the first floor of A30 on 24 February between 12 noon and 1.30pm .
3 Whoever owned the cabin had wide-ranging interests — apart from several well-thumbed fishing journals and a variety of motoring magazines , there were numerous glossies that provided her with food for thought .
4 Theda thought she had learned to subdue the spirit of rebellion that threw her into defiance on the receipt of such slights .
5 He had a superior air of self-confidence that reminded her of portraits of eighteenth-century land owners striding their acres surrounded by dogs .
6 The giant , who by now had reached her , was maddened with what he saw and battered her to death with his club .
7 They then searched Mrs Roche and , having found nothing , took her into custody , and conveyed her by tram to the Police Station , where she was released on bail .
8 It made a welcome change from household chores and got her into contact with customers which provided a little gossip .
9 She had thought that , difficult as her father was , he would see the reasonableness of her ambitions and send her to London with some sort of blessing .
10 Therefore I compromise and send her to Calcutta with her grandmother and suffer pangs of guilt both for packing her off and for conforming to my elitist background .
11 Even Lucy 's friend — and later lover — M. Paul seeks advice from the Church , and questions her at length about her Protestant theology , before they become seriously attached .
12 He whipped back the covers and moved her into bed as if she were a doll , watching her for a second and then turning away .
13 And then one day he 'd come home early and found her in bed with someone else .
14 Penry reached out a long arm and drew her in front of him so that she stood in the shelter of his arms as he held the wheel .
15 Just as they planned , the couple set upon the unfortunate woman the following day , and beat her to death before pushing her body into the shallow pool .
16 He can also take over the parenting role and provide her with respite from the rigours of what is a twenty-four-hour-a-day job .
17 and they confirm that Dreadnought has been officially classed as a wreck , and what 's worse , I 'm afraid , is that she 's lying near enough to the shipping channels for them , to quote their letter , to exercise their statutory powers and remove her by means of salvage craft . "
18 ‘ Where exactly are we going ? ’ she asked at last , to switch subjects before Roman could elaborate on his uncomfortable theory , and catch her off guard in the process .
19 Two days later the Marquis ' wife , a good woman , who has learned with horror something of what has happened , comes to Manette , hoping to be able to contact through him the sister she knows to survive from the murdered family , and to help her by way of making some atonement for her husband 's and her brother-in-law 's evil behaviour ; Manette can give her no information , however .
20 Yes and the kids can drop round and see her from time to time .
21 Everyone who knew him in those schooldays — men and women alike — speak with affection of him : stories tumble out like clothes spilling out of a split suitcase — Richard peeing out of the train window as the engine roared by the station platform , Richard taking a girl up on to a mountain and scaring her to flight at his howl as a passionate hand landed on one of his more angry boils , Rich , reeking of beer , rolling into school and being sent home .
22 She 'd taken a liking to Silvia and had no wish to betray her and get her into trouble with her quarrelsome cousin .
23 Beryl welcomed Kay Evans and thanked her on behalf of everyone for finding time in her busy life to attend our training days and for the interest she always shows in all we do .
24 She tried to slide past him but he swung round with her , catching both her hands and holding her in front of him .
25 He confiscated two apples that she had in her handbag , and warned her about penalties for importing plant and vegetable matter .
26 He took her gently by the waist and pulled her on top of him .
27 And hit her on top of the head .
28 A JILTED lover who drugged a young mother , tortured her with an electric shock gun and raped her in front of her children was jailed for six years yesterday .
29 She many times desired that the crucifix should loosen His hands from the Cross , and embrace her in token of love . ’
30 The Old King was soon in possession of the heiress of Deols , and sent her to Chinon for safe-keeping ; then he took his army to the Limousin .
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