Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] that it [be] not " in BNC.

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1 They have , of course , heard about the Holy Spirit , but have either put it all down to typical ecclesiastical in-talk , or assumed that it was not intended for ordinary folk like themselves .
2 Much so-called ‘ atonal ’ music is only music with a tonal foundation so obscured or disrupted that it is not easily perceived .
3 So measures of poor welfare include finding that , because of the way an animal is kept or treated , it is not able to live as long or finding that it is not able to grow or is not able to breed .
4 I have been accused of favouring Transworld in the past , so I feel I must defend myself and say that it is not that I love Transworld so much as that I admire success .
5 I must be absolutely honest though and say that it 's not always going to be easy to try to live for Jesus at school .
6 I go down and say that it 's not good enough .
7 We want to look at stress now , and realise that it is not all negative , in fact some people actually go out and seek a fair amount of stress .
8 I noticed this with distaste , and rejoiced that it was not the asparagus season .
9 We shall maintain the assumption that expectations are rational , and show that it is not this assumption per se which leads to the ineffectiveness of systematic stabilization policy but its combination with ( inter alia ) the assumption of price flexibility .
10 Mr Coase asked if this analysis was good economics , and showed that it was not .
11 The Court of Appeal , however , thought the acquittals wrong and declared that it was not going to ‘ compound the error ’ by quashing the convictions .
12 And I like to think in fifty or a hundred years ' time it will not be possible for any orchestra to play sloppily and claim that it is not possible to do better .
13 Suppose that the brochure mentions a particular hotel and states that it is not yet completed .
14 I afterwards met Mr Blair at the Congress , and observing his deep solicitude for Kildalton , I admitted the claims which its neglected state had upon my faith and affection , and remarked that it was not the pecuniary sacrifice that I should make that would deter me , so much as the expenditure I had lately incurred on my House and Glebe , and which would in a measure be thrown away , by my moving to Islay .
15 Two or three months after that he 's got a new product out they 're trying to keep it slightly quiet and saying that it 's not a world beater and sort of er go back to their more in innovative .
16 Provided that this interpretation seems reasonable in the context and provided that it is not in conflict with other possible interpretations suggested either by the mental model or the superficial representation , it is accepted without difficulty .
17 The Court of Appeal considered whether an adjudicator 's decision in a construction contract ( see 6.8.5 ) was enforceable as an arbitration award , and decided that it was not , but their judgment was based on the interim nature of the adjudicator 's decision pending arbitration to which the decision would be subject , and not on any of the usual characteristics of experts ' decisions : the interim nature of adjudicators ' decisions is itself untypical of experts ' decisions .
18 I pondered on these things and felt that it was not good …
19 The court was satisfied that the conference had been conducted in a fair manner and stressed that it was not a judicial process .
20 The following description of the scientific method by a twentieth-century economist conforms closely to the naive inductivist account of science as I have described it , and indicates that it is not a position that I have invented solely for the purpose of criticizing it .
21 The Government complained about the cost and said that it was not a matter for them or that matters were not that bad .
22 In the tradition of Advaita or non-Dualism he refers to the soul , ( Ātman ) , and God , ( Brahman ) , as knowers rather than objects of knowledge and claims that it is not possible for mortal beings by the use of reason alone to know the knower of knowing .
23 I 'll ring up and say that it 's not for me .
24 Often the manufacturing procedures employed in this range of products are so wide and specialized that it is not economic for the company to provide them all internally .
25 Touch the ‘ marble ’ and discover that it is not what it seems but beautifully painted plaster — scagliola .
26 , you glance at your watch and discover that it 's not half past is n't it ?
27 Piaget ( Piaget , Jean , The Child ' s Conception of Number , Chapter I , Routledge & Kegan Paul , 1952 ) has described many experiments of this type with children of four years upwards and concluded that it was not until about the age of seven that children were able to see that a quantity of liquid remains constant although it appears to change when poured into different shaped containers .
28 What is more likely to happen is that the intensity of the pain will gradually diminish as the weeks go by until , one day , you wake up and realize that it is not there any more .
29 Help them to stick up for themselves and see that it is not worth being treated badly just in order to have a best friend .
30 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari of Mexico said that NAFTA would generate more jobs and better wages for Mexican workers , but warned that it was not a " magical formula " and that the benefits would not come immediately .
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