Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] he on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Council members mostly agreed they are a hazard , and Peter pointed out that if the car that hit him on a roundabout had been fitted with them , he would n't be here now .
2 Philip Tufnell is welcomed back to Test cricket after his appendix operation by a Waqar Younis yorker that hit him on the foot
3 As he tried to grab me , I feinted , slipped back to make him follow me , knowing he would think I was afraid , and then I let him have a classic straight left that hit him on the point of the jaw .
4 Bashful Barry believes it was his failure with girls as a schoolboy that set him on the path to fame as a film buff .
5 It had been alleged that after hiring Mr Mullan 's taxi for a journey from Gourock to Greenock , he produced a hunting knife and stabbed him on the chest .
6 He laughed and clapped him on the back .
7 As they passed through the hall , she saw him glance at the picture that was hanging there , and asked him on an impulse if he knew who the original was .
8 She crossed the kitchen floor and pecked him on the cheek .
9 This corkscrews the opponent backwards over his supporting leg and dumps him on the mat .
10 Give him a mug of cocoa and a big kiss and send him on a month 's leave .
11 The fist came up and caught him on the side of the head and Jack went down , seeing little sparkling stars .
12 Whitlock sprung to his feet and caught him on the side of the head with a stinging haymaker then followed up with two brutal body punches that dropped him to his knees .
13 His relations in the St. Cleer area noticed the name of their now famous relation and invited him on a visit .
14 I often have to get up with Graham , carry him into the living room and nurse him into the living room and nurse him on the armchair .
15 Earlier , a former police consatble , Patrick Stennett , told of stopping Hagans and searching him on a footbridge between the council office and a staff car park , half an hour before Mrs McGurk died .
16 She sees through his unctuous manners to his black-hearted designs , and shoots him on the spot , but it too late , and she is surrounded by Kuomintang forces .
17 Erm I mean I 'm concerned again through his eyesight that i were we to put him as the assistant and put him on a machine , that he might just put his hand somewhere and get his hand bloody trapped or whatever with his eyesight .
18 Then the older one bends over the younger and kisses him on the lips , hastily and shyly .
19 She takes his face between her hands and kisses him on the lips .
20 He fears , as this moving tableau blots out his view , that she does not want to look at him but , then , just as he is allowing himself this painful thought , she turns and kisses him on the eyes before taking his cock in her mouth .
21 Brian had not merely hated the cockerel but feared it since it had got through the fence and bitten him on the leg .
22 She closed the door behind her and joined him on the pavement and as she took several breaths of the crisp October air she suddenly felt how good it was to be alive .
23 Then she went out and picked him up and cuddled him and fed him on the cream of a new bottle of milk .
24 Mr Utterson stepped forward and touched him on the shoulder .
25 She put out a hand and touched him on the sleeve , but he moved back as if he had n't noticed , and she said on a rising note , ‘ Why are you looking like that ? ’
26 She led him to the bedroom , and spreadeagled him on the bed before tying his wrists to the iron headrest .
27 Izzie came and gave the cups into Gabriel 's hands and kissed him on the forehead .
28 Having waited long enough to see if they were needed , the two girls went up to Moran and kissed him on the lips as they did every night .
29 As on every night , she went up to him and kissed him on the lips .
30 Georgina took him in her arms and kissed him on the lips .
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