Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] it [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She said I could keep any of the stuff she left behind , or sell it if I wanted , but I du n no about that .
2 Once you 've found the words ring them with a pen , cut out the wordsquare or photocopy it if you do n't want to damage your magazine , and send it to us here at : Make sure you also enclose your address and boot size .
3 Thus it is highly unlikely either that a course will be designed that is universally acclaimed as the definitive model for all courses or that any one teacher will find the perfect course that suits the needs of his students , his own personality and his own approach to language teaching , but he can change or adapt it as he sees fit .
4 No I think it was just , certainly Tom tried to lift us or because over the winter months when nothing was happening negotiations-wise , you know he knew if he did n't lift us then nothing would and everyone would get so disheartened they 'd just say oh sod it and back to work or forget it and what have you .
5 So , art history only begins after the death of the work , but as long as the work lives , or at least in the first fifty years of its life , it communicates with people living in the same period who have accepted it or rejected it and who have talked about it .
6 they , told them they can like it or lump it and they said the miner 's strike , but she still won the election after the miner 's strike which
7 or shock it till it shrieks no more .
8 Should she pick up the baby whenever it cries or leave it until it settles of its own accord ?
9 Find it if it exists , or prove it if it does n't .
10 Longings that led it where it went
11 But for the framework , she no more feared nor doubted it than she did the position of the stars in the sky .
12 He 's the one that done it and they do n't want to know no different . ’
13 says that I was the one that killed it and I did n't .
14 I was the one that killed it and I did n't .
15 I was the one that killed it and I did n't .
16 I decided it was best to avoid trouble , rather than face it when it comes .
17 However , it is also clear that such projections can only inform policymaking rather than dictate it and there remains a need for clear national guidelines on the provision of places at all levels of education .
18 it was he that choose it , it was he that wanted it and you see it 's just worked out that he did n't use it .
19 Eliot observed how he would take a word ‘ and squeeze and squeeze it until it yielded a full juice of meaning which we would never suppose any word to possess ’ .
20 Victor breathed on the glass in his hand , and buffed it until it gleamed .
21 ‘ I 'll cook the pheasant while you 're out , ’ she said , ‘ and eat it before you get home . ’
22 Yeah , put it there he 'll feed it , he 'll have it , hurry up , that 's it hurry up and eat it cos we 've got to go erm , and they 'll have sandwiches or something for tea and er if you point something they say no I do n't want it and then when the other one can I have it , oh you 're digging your finger in it
23 but as I wrote this and you know put in the acc th the conflict , it came up to two thousand five hundred words and I taped it and timed it and I 've been butchering it and cutting out all the really nice little sentences and the nice sentences and I 've got it down to two one sixty and now with that announcement on the end , as I 've got it taped , it 's fourteen minutes fifty-nine seconds for a fifteen minute slot , so it 's about as precise as you 're gon na get it .
24 I lunged for the meth. bottle and caught it before it hit the floor .
25 She tossed it up and caught it as it came slowly down .
26 With a soft top , yeah the easiest thing to do is just get a knife , stick it in and slit it and you 've got a little hole to get in .
27 Please take my advice and forget it before you get into something you ca n't control . ’
28 Marie helps me off with my coat and holds it while I slip the jacket on .
29 He moved his hand and touched her breast through the robe she wore , found the nipple and stroked it until it hardened and she stirred .
30 It was n't until I 'd bought one and used it that I realised how much it speeded up knitting .
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