Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] it [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 He lifted the edge of the hood , and laid it gently over the shattered head , hiding the face .
2 He had turned to look at her , slipping off his coat as he did so and tossing it carelessly over the back of one of the armchairs .
3 Her movements brisk and businesslike though her mind was imitating a tumble-drier , she gave his sleeping-bag another quick but thorough shake and spread it out over the mattress .
4 right , tie it off in a reef knot , if you 've got bits that are left dangling they 're too long and you ca n't go round again because it 's gon na make it too tight , you can either tuck them in or else you can fold them down , a nice clean plaster and put it right over the top , okay ?
5 Who 's had spaghetti and put it all over the floor ? .
6 They went to Waldegrave 's chamber and smeared it all over the tunic of our comatose priest .
7 ‘ The cow is there ’ , said Ansell , lighting a match and holding it out over the carpet .
8 Now do n't go and spill it all over the photos !
9 Some nosey guy from a yellow sheet would find out who the mysterious Mrs. X was in a blackmail case , and smear it all over the front .
10 Any sort of boat could have been used to ferry a body to midstream and to put it gently over the side in darkness .
11 I imagined what would happen if I should tear the sleeves out , or cut it up , or run to the kitchen for the tomato-ketchup and pour it all over the bodice ; if I should rip out the collar with my teeth .
12 On the way back , I set down the grassbox , unplug the sprinkler and coil the hosepipe ( which Pa , being always so busy , has obviously forgotten ) in even circles around my hand and elbow , then go to the shed and lay it carefully over the two dowelling pegs .
13 Then I laid a paler colour into the gaps left for the highlights and took it back over the previous work as well to unify the colour .
14 Perhaps it was her own pride reawakening after all these weeks which prompted her to defy Luke 's distaste , albeit only after she was sure he was asleep , moving up close to his back again , lifting an arm and curving it loosely over the side of his body .
15 ‘ We found a few , ’ he told her , answering her question about the mussels , pulling off his jacket as he did so and draping it carelessly over the back of the chair .
16 She set the candelabrum and the tray down on one of the tables , removing his greatcoat and placing it carefully over the back of a chair so that she might lay out a cloth and utensils .
17 yeah , I could n't believe it I mean you go back five years he 'd never done things like that , he erm , missed the most easiest reds and left it right over the pocket and then Stephen Hendry went on and cleared up the whole frame , got a break of over a hundred
18 What usually happens is one bloke ‘ digs ’ ( see box ) the ball up , the other guy ‘ volleys it ’ high in the air , then the first guy jumps up and smashes it down over the net .
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