Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [been] give [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , we realise that professional clinicians coming to the book might remain unconvinced about some of our chosen examples , as indeed might those readers who only feel comfortable with terms like ‘ schizophrenia ’ when they are used in a sense that has been given medical approval .
2 But there are groups within the University that have been given specific responsibility for certain elements , and the largest of these is the Education Area .
3 Thank you , yes , I think in a course of er , er explanation that 's been given this morning , there was a reference to H G V eight diversion , now I 'm concerned that if in fact that means that er H G Vs are increasingly using the route through Culford there are two very severe right angle bends on that road and I should erm like to see the police take some action to persuade H G V to ban that route er I mean can we do a ban on the early section of it with in particular to like angle bends are ?
4 ‘ Linking ’ and ‘ intrusive ’ are special cases of juncture ; this name refers to the relationship between one sound and the sounds that immediately precede and follow it , and has been given some importance in phonological theory .
5 The scheme , launched by Michael Howard in May , has so far attracted a large number of national and other contractors , and has been given widespread support from both Government and consumer associations .
6 We also felt that Zephyr had been under pressure due to her immense popularity and had been given little opportunity to show off the gentle side of her nature — in the same way the more extrovert patients had dominated the evening while those of shy and retiring nature had slightly missed out .
7 The bill had been introduced on May 30 , 1991 , and had been given final House of Commons approval on Nov. 7 .
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