Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [subord] he would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise it is very likely he would always hesitate or stumble when he would have to use these words in the course of a conversation .
2 The next day she went back to Branson and asked if he would renegotiate along the lines of the original Virgin proposition , for an 85–15 split in the shareholding .
3 She poured a glass of Perrier water for herself and asked if he would like to smoke some pot .
4 ‘ Do I detect a faint reservation in your attitude towards Doreen ? ’ she asked , watching him closely and wondering if he would confide in her .
5 In June 1960 he went so far as to write to Ashby himself — by then Sir Eric and the Master of Clare College , Cambridge — setting out the case and asking whether he would make personal representations to the Minister to secure unilateral treatment for the Eastern District .
6 They gave themselves to each other naturally , confident that she would take and hold as he would thrust and that she would give to let him thrust again — long and deep , longer and deeper , longer and deeper still — till both their hearts were thudding and each was lost in the act .
7 ‘ You looked quite wonderful to me , ’ she said matter-of-factly , and resisted when he 'd have hugged the life out of her .
8 Should she tell him yes , he had made her pregnant , and see if he would give her a guinea or two to put it right ?
9 Rather than forcing the diet on him , you should explain that it might help and ask if he would like to try it .
10 She began to think of it as he , and wondered if he would make something of himself later on in life .
11 Gripping the bannister , she looked down into the hall and saw him standing with his back to the door , looking about him as though wondering if he would find her there .
12 When asked whether he would support a constitutional change in Scotland if he did not have proportional representation , he said no ; so he makes it clear that he gives higher priority to the self-interest of the Liberal Democrats and a voting system that would help them than to the issue of principle on Scotland 's constitutional future .
13 But Mr Brazier gave an unhesitating ‘ yes ’ when asked if he would go through the experience again .
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