Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [det] [noun sg] [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Height corrections , for example : Aiming to hold your height within 100 ft the correction to gain or lose this amount would be a half-bar attitude change .
2 I think that to support this motion would be extremely unfortunate and would lead to potential disaster , not for the county council but indeed for the Highfields community .
3 Jiang responded by saying that in 1978 , Deng Xiaoping , then Vice-Premier , said that resolving this issue should be left to the wisdom of future generations .
4 These are the arctic fox and hen harrier assemblages , and there are three factors that suggest this deficit may be significant .
5 I hope that achieving that capacity will be one of the priorities of the new police committee .
6 Florence further says that witnesses of the agreement later declared that Edmund left no portion of the kingdom to his brothers should he die , and agreed that Cnut should be the protector of his sons until they came of age .
7 Olga heard him singing in the bathroom and shouted that supper would be ready in a few minutes .
8 Although it is not a matter for me , I would hope and expect that Parliament would be similarly sensitive to the need to refrain from trespassing upon the province of the courts .
9 This is the attitude you need , but you must be realistic and accept that scoring will be difficult .
10 He said that ‘ there is no essential difference between the language of prose and that of metrical composition ’ , and declared that poetry should be concerned ‘ with incidents of common life ’ .
11 If apprehended all care should be taken when a
12 The take or place booking means that the client will be offered a room if there has been a ‘ no show ’ or cancellation , and failing that accommodation will be found for them at a comparable hotel , usually within the same chain of hotels .
13 the different functional activities and efforts required to make and sell each product can be coordinated and integrated by the divisional/product manager .
14 She , Cecilia , though a loving , kind and humble woman , touched no one if she could help it and thought this reserve might be connected with her never having been much for sex .
15 My region welcomes this and hopes this motion will be given due consideration .
16 In 1940 he wrote of an almost sanctified rural life as something vitally different from the separately developing urban culture which so disturbed him and pleaded that agriculture should be regarded as a vocation , rather than merely an industry , though he pointed out that such a view involved the whole orientation and scheme of values of a future society .
17 The first part of the mechanism for developing and delivering that convergence will be regional policy .
18 Soppitt foresees an increasing move to hands off filtration and stresses that oil must be treated gently .
19 Councillors heard that Homesmith had a good self-build record , but agreed any contract should be put out to tender at a later stage .
20 We had n't stopped for lunch yet , but decided that food would be a great
21 The foreign affairs committee rushed out its revised report , supporting the Government 's closed-door policy towards immigration , but saying more emphasis should be placed on introducing democratic government .
22 The Sainsbury Book of Children 's Cookery [ in most branches at £3.45 ] is written by Roz Denny and Caroline Waldegrave and teaches children basic cookery skills , while showing that cooking can be fun .
23 However , while agreeing that crime must be controlled , this functionalist argument is that some criminal behaviour has positive and useful functions .
24 Bouton and King ( 1983 ) interpret their results as showing that context-specificity will be evident only when there is some ambiguity about the CS that the contextual cues help to resolve .
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