Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pers pn] [adv prt] [conj] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 A closer interpretation is necessary in family work , with the counsellor focusing on the statement rather than passing it off or trying to pretend that it was not said , seeking to analyse and ascertain what exactly was being said , why is was said , and what the real message might be .
2 Finally , it produces thousands of young , which transfer into the next fly that picks them up while feeding on the host .
3 you do n't you 're not doing several operations and putting some in memory and bringing it back and giving yourself lots of chances of making mistakes .
4 it 's just like drinking , it 's just like getting a spoonful of sugar and sticking it in and wiping it around .
5 We knew that they were testing them , and checking it over and bringing it up to standard , but we did n't know anything about it other than that !
6 ‘ It was cutting bones and turning them around and cutting ligaments .
7 There was a practice at one time — no doubt it still continues in certain quarters — of collecting the rootstocks in which implanted buds had failed , bundling them up and selling them off as hedging .
8 It is almost as if he stood in his stable and worked it out while chewing his haynet — a bit like solutions sometimes come to us while we 're soaking in the bath .
9 It is not cutting the forest , going away , leaving it and letting the trees look after themselves , and the rest of the forest regrow , without actually going in and cutting it down and burning it .
10 Can you eat three Shredded What for breakfast and keep them down while reading these ridiculous clichés ?
11 I 've had to go back up in to him , yeah , but I do n't know what happened last night , I do n't know whether he was not quite tired enough , erm , he must of got up as soon as I put him down and started sort of moaning then I went into the girls and I sorted them out he started screaming he did , so I had to go to him in and lay him down and making him lay down
12 It is a bit like using spectacles to see with , and taking them off and looking at them .
13 And also , if she came in when I had the triplets it meant that erm you know , she was sitting talking to me when I wanted to be playing with them and taking them out and getting on with doing things with them .
14 At giving the baby his last feed at ten and putting him down and hoping that he 'd stay asleep till well half past five to six the next morning .
15 But what brought her to the point of retaliation was the sight of his hands mauling a plate of sliced mutton , digging his fingers into the pieces of meat and snatching them up and trying to screw them up like pieces of paper and hurl them at the bookcase .
16 Well what 's the difference between throwing this one out and throwing them out and burning them ?
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