Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever she felt unwell or oppressed she embarked on a new course of treatment at the alternative medicine centre or ingested a new range of vitamins .
2 Whatever people like Page may have felt or thought they felt about the Vietnam war , it is difficult not to regard them as much its victims as its predators .
3 You know that land I bought off the Ministry of Defence ?
4 That 's another story , where they were , and if you 're interested , downstairs there 's a very good map that shows you superimposed on a modern map of Oxford where they were , but they very much affected citizens in the St Aldate 's , because every citizen , and every scholar who was still in the university , between the ages of 16 and 60 had to work on the fortifications at least one day a week , or pay a shilling fine .
5 Yes , and the second time that happened it swept across the standing walls there , and in the near end of the caldarium there was somebody standing by the wall .
6 Damn it all , woman , I would have thought that talk you had in the car park with your two ‘ friends ’ would have knocked some sense into your stubborn little head , but obviously it did n't ! ’
7 The thing that kept me glued to the TV was the gorgeous Jennifer Capriati with her magnificent looks , great personality and brilliant tennis .
8 ‘ The price of a common press was only about one-tenth of the cost of the 1,000 kg of type that kept it occupied in a busy shop … so that the master could afford to own more presses than he would normally need . ’
9 Amdahl Corp believes that its Huron applications development and production system is a winner , and rather than leave it stranded on the mainframe under MVS , it is taking it along in the direction the market is moving with two new versions , one that runs under its UTS implementation of Unix System V on its mainframes , the other for Unix workstations , the first version of the latter being for 80486-based machines under Unix .
10 The NUWM was at the centre of most of the violent clashes with the police in the early 1930s , though this tactic was later changed to the more peaceful and probably more effective " hunger march " which took the unemployed through the countryside and down to London rather than leaving them isolated in the Distressed Areas .
11 We were going to run that tape you made after the planning-committee meeting , but in the light of recent events it seems unwise .
12 ii.4.30 , oikeia kai piste ; Thebes and Corinth wanted Athens to be utterly destroyed sooner than see her turned into a Spartan puppet .
13 The very particularity of the sacrament forces upon the penitent the sense that it is on the here and now — that row we had with the neighbours , the bad temper with which we did the washing-up , this specific uncharitable thought or unchaste deed — that salvation and damnation depend .
14 In order to talk about something that did not have to do with fondling and stroking she spoke of the garments .
15 ‘ One morning they woke me up , told me to wash my face , and led me blindfolded into a room with a TV camera .
16 I saw her twice between that Friday in Bamford and seeing her silhouetted on the blind on Christmas Day . ’
17 Round and round they staggered like the end of some ghastly marathon , Luke dragging Maldita upright and along by her headcollar , supporting her with his body , Perdita propping up her other side .
18 In an effort to combat the isolation and fear I felt at the time , I sought out a number of parents in similar situations to my own ; we had to create our own support systems .
19 I noted the small bunches of flowers laid in the Place de la Concorde in memory of Resistance fighters , and thought how especially fragile and touching they seemed in the immensity of that noble square .
20 Push the crate left onto the button , stand on the conveyor belt , duck and go left , jump up two platforms and crawl right , through the wall , collect the speaker , go back out of the cave and jump up , go right at the top and fall down the hole , go right and jump over the crate and push it left onto the button , go up on the lift , then right , jump onto the crate on the top platform and push it right , then left onto the button .
21 He twisted down into the chair , holding his head and keeping it averted from the window .
22 In fact , she did n't just feel like groaning — the frustration and worry she felt at the moment were enough to make her want to scream blue murder !
23 I had never seen a bank nurse before and assumed she came from the Natwest .
24 The work and support they gave to the Enterprise Centre was greatly appreciated .
25 We relied heavily on subscriptions and donations and were delighted by the loyalty and support we received throughout the year .
26 Peter Purton , an executive member of the lesbian and gay rights campaign , said now the idea of a common age of consent had been supported for a fourth time , he hope that the leadership would finally accept the commitment and ensure it went into the manifesto .
27 But someone had built on a large extension to the rear and this housed the kitchen , which as Meredith was to discover , was large , modern and furbished it seemed with every kind of modern gadget .
28 And talk they did in a 23 minute live broadcast telephone interview from LA to Scotland .
29 The other way of practising theological science is to start with a system of dogmatic theology and find it confirmed in the experience of life .
30 They walked on , thinking of This and That , and by-and-by they came to an enchanted place on the very top of the Forest called Galleons Lap , which is sixty-something trees in a circle ; and Christopher Robin knew that it was enchanted because nobody had ever been able to count whether it was sixty-three or sixty-four , not even when he tied a piece of string round each tree after he had counted it .
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