Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pers pn] have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd already lost any respect or hope he 'd once had for Changez .
2 I wanted to know why she thought I would be the least bit interested in all that drivel I had just had to sit through .
3 Other than to say I 've already mentioned er in respect of Mr 's point about his view that no new sites would come forward at forty one thousand , well quite clearly a substantial number of new sites in the residue will come forward , these will be new sites .
4 For a moment he thought she was going to hit him , and then her face turned crimson , her mouth started to bang to and fro like a door in a gale force wind and a sound came down her nose that suggested she had just swallowed a quart of White ’ s Cream Soda .
5 Now if you want that drink you 'd better tell me where the fridge is so I can get some milk . ’
6 It is a faith that believes it has only to ask in order to receive : e.g. in the cure of the leper ( Mark 1:40–5 ) .
7 I 'm just trying to keep his feet on the ground and try to make up the yardage , but Lee hits out of the bunker and thinks it has all left him .
8 The auctioneer , Harry Pickering , came into the room and announced he had just heard on the wireless that the King had died .
9 and she 'll go and get the milk out and say I 've just got myself a glass of milk mum , oh right , okay not even aware that she 's gone out to the fridge you know , fair enough we say ah , you do n't do you ?
10 However , when he neared the blank concrete wall , he saw an opening to his right and found he had merely reached a ninety degree turn , round which the tunnel still stretched as far as his torch beam could reach .
11 In 1961 Treloar 's father bought neighbouring land , and believed he had also bought this waste land .
12 He welcomed the Truman Doctrine and claimed he had frequently predicted the development to Hodge :
13 Mind , must of re-done those toilets or something cos look they 've even got a disabled
14 The very powers of rationality which enabled modern man to free himself from nature and control it had also become an instrumental device to dominate him .
15 He was still doing it over an hour later , frantically trying to remember everything and wishing he had somewhere to write it all down , when there was a sound of feet running up the stairs .
16 Yet both British stars shot level par 72s and believe they have only to improve slightly to have winning chances today .
17 I wondered why Nour had killed her and decided she had probably laughed at him .
18 She said she 'd given it a lot of thought and decided she 'd just got carried away because it was all such fun .
19 Then it was like an out-of-control lorry coming straight at you and knowing you 've only got seconds to make your peace .
20 I caught an early edition , read about the ruckus , and thought I 'd better come home and see what was happening about the five grand . ’
21 With that settled , they were back by the outbuildings near the house when she again remembered her car and thought she had better find out where it was garaged before she again forgot to bring it up .
22 When the flight to Nice was called , she informed a brisk blue-uniformed redhead that she was feeling ill and thought she 'd better cancel her ticket .
23 What I would like to know is : what damage is the soot doing to my fish and do I have just cause to go to the council to get something done about it ?
24 And to think she had always poured scorn on her older sisters when they had put on such fluttering airs in front of a man .
25 ‘ No , ’ Carrie promised and remembered she had once said ‘ Do n't laugh ’ to him .
26 If there 's anything more ridiculous than a periwigged Pooh-Bah in his frills and furbelows I 've yet to see it .
27 Then a few days later , the other girl , Sally , came dancing across the playground and said she 'd just got hers back .
28 He wanted to marry her , but she laughed at him too , and said she had already made her choices and they did not include giving up her God and replacing him with a somewhat vulgar and certainly brutal man .
29 Mr Hurd still hoped the UN High Commissioner for Refugees would agree to help the Hanoi embassy in monitoring conditions for returnees , and said he had already asked British non-governmental organisations for co-operation .
30 Some years ago a presenter at a seminar on project management referred to the Taylor Woodrow logo and said he had often wondered who was on the other end of the rope .
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