Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun pl] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We took the caravan to Teesdale every weekend during the season and I would make sketches of landscapes or take photos and paint them when I got home .
2 Alarmed by the scale of public outrage over the attack , the Provisional Irish Republican Army accused the police of being more interested in protecting property than saving lives and claimed they had not wanted to hurt anyone .
3 Steamers could carry larger volumes of cargo than sailing vessels and do it more frequently and regularly .
4 Go through each of the above six factors that affect expectations and consider what would cause people to anticipate a fall in interest rates .
5 Finniston is in no doubt that making decisions and seeing them implemented properly are the most important aspects of a chairman 's job .
6 Finally , I did the laundry , cleaned the eating and cooking utensils and washed myself .
7 Mechanical filtration is anything , like filter wood , used to strain and collect particles and hold them for removal .
8 In Avon , Dr Peter Fleming , or a member of his team , will visit the home within 24 hours with the General Practitioner to give an explanation , as best they can , as to what has happened , to explain the post-mortem findings , and to counsel parents and help them in any way they can .
9 If the scope of reason is confined to refining and systematising imperatives and deducing them from each other , how can it ever change their relation to the spontaneous ?
10 Yep , now nowadays erm they 've got the best , I mean the equipment is excellent , er it came in my time erm my predecessor 's time and it 's been carried on now and new developments have come in , erm and with , of course techniques in , not only dealing with the chemicals in , in making safe afterwards which is twice as complicated I think , you know the decontamination side , the clearing up , the protecting of the environment from toxic chemicals er which we 've all heard about in newspapers , and read reports and seen it on television , these , these accidents up and down the world .
11 We are also accountable through the box office in terms that your public will not come and see events and pay their money if the events that you 're putting on are not of sufficiently high standard , so the accountability runs in three our four different channels and each of them are quite potent and quite immediate in terms of their impact that they can have on the Association .
12 In Darcy 's Utopia there are bound to be children , but their parents will be carefully selected , and being in short supply they will grow up in a world which loves and admires children and finds them interesting , and does n't herd them together in schools to get them out of the way , dunk them in front of obscene videos to keep them quiet , and slap them about and threaten them in the streets , which is what happens in this society of ours which you seem to find both perfectly ordinary , and , worse , inevitable .
13 Each year group described a recent trip and showed photos and work they had done .
14 They 're the ones who get everybody else to do what they want them to do , like die for them and work for them and get them into power and protect them and pay taxes and buy them toys , and they 're the ones who 'll survive another big war , in their bunkers and tunnels .
15 The learning context demands that the children express prediction and uncertainties ; they must make and test guesses and share them with those they are working with .
16 ‘ Sean had no business coming up there for me , interfering and giving orders and upsetting everyone here and there . ’
17 This procedure computes the blackout and whiteout levels and stores them in the fields black , white of savedValues .
18 How well she could keep control and use words and manipulate their meanings and score points .
19 As you install the software , it picks up the AUTOEXEC and CONFIG files and copies them into each configuration slot .
20 But they were very friendly , and sang songs and told her many stories about their lives .
21 He would not , could not , he bunched his fists and looked away from her fierce brow and curving lips and asked her brusquely what she wanted .
22 Five year apprenticeship yes and er it was more or less labourer work you were just a boy and run and did messages and carried whatever the journeymen bakers wanted .
23 This shows the plebeians that Brutus is the man they need to lead them as all his speech is honest and spoke truths and did everything unselfishly , for other people — the crowd then go wild with enthusiasm for Brutus , and Brutus leaves them with Mark Antony , wrongly , asking the crowd to show respect for Caesar 's body and for Antony 's speech .
24 And in a sense it happens to be English language and English literature that I teach , but I do n't really think I 'm teaching that , what I 'm doing is helping people to think , hopefully , and have ideas and excite them about ideas and think about themselves and the way they live .
25 Plymouth is a base for the Royal Navy , making , repairing and servicing warships and training their crews .
26 The directors are , firstly , made accountable to the shareholders by structuring the internal division of power within the company so that the shareholders have the power to appoint and dismiss directors and to supervise them whilst in office .
27 The auditor should ascertain the audited body 's system of recording and processing transactions and assess its adequacy as a basis for the preparation of financial statements .
28 Bouncing the rhythm and lead guitars and reprocessing them was , I admit , a bit over the top but , even so ( apart from a slight dulling of the sound , easily compensated for in the final mix ) , I thought the results were very good .
29 But Chauntecleer slips and gives himself away : and the Miller does not .
30 So , please do n't assume that teachers have nothing else to do but give lectures and await your arrival in their rooms .
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