Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Objects will be automatically updated in the documents they 're copied to or host documents as they are updated in the software package they were created in .
2 Objects will be automatically updated in the documents they 're copied to or host documents as they are updated in the software package they were created in .
3 Either keep pigeons off brassicas with nets and various kinds of bird scarer , or intercrop brassicas where they are partly hidden by other plants .
4 There are times when he looked totally unable to drink hot blood or speak daggers but there are as many ways of playing Hamlet as there are players and Rickman 's warm , yet raging prince is one worthy of many a staging .
5 Those staff not buying or selling houses but who are changing their place of residence receive one payment of £335 which is not taxed .
6 reporting to parents or informing discussions where there are enquiries or causes for concern ;
7 In neither form of action could the plaintiff be sure of recovering his goods in specie since the judgment in trespass was for damages and in detinue gave the defendant the option of giving up the goods or paying damages but it is unlikely that this was considered a defect and it should be noted that the remedy of specific restitution of chattels has remained unusual right up to modern times .
8 Top tension straps , or lift straps as they are often called , help to give fine adjustment to the fit of the rucksack on your back .
9 We never made models or did projects and there were no school trips .
10 Suppose , for example , that the police seek to remove a person 's clothing , or to take fingerprints when they are not authorised to do so , or persistently seek to question a person who makes it plain that he has no wish to answer , or seek to enter a house when they have no search warrant or a defective one .
11 A final decision is expected in the next two weeks , although the Government yesterday refused to confirm or deny reports that it was to scrap the registers .
12 A name means we understand , and it allows the press to encourage or denounce , depending on whether the subject threatens or bolsters things as they are .
13 For example , if a researcher wants to investigate the factors that influence pupils when they are choosing the subjects they wish to study at higher levels of education , then group discussions with , for example , fourteen-year-old pupils in almost any secondary school would give some ideas about what questions to include in a questionnaire .
14 Arousal curve well understanding the need for arousal for me helped because I now understand that having nerves while you 're speaking is not unnatural it is n't something that you 're able to get rid of but you need to be able to work with it and practice to improve performance .
15 They seem unskilled in the simple acts that console women when they are distressed — like being held gently for as long as they need to be held , making murmuring noises rather than using words ( or even worse , forming sentences ) , wiping tears away and blowing noses … in other words giving the same comfort which you would give to a child .
16 But , even here , it is wiser to seek agreement at the outset rather than leave matters until there is some disagreement about the continued use or the exploitation of the program .
17 As schools increase in their heterogeneity , those that serve areas where there is a concentration of disadvantage will watch helpless as the more motivated , more able , more ambitious children move to the favoured schools , leaving them to cope with the rest , and worse , suffer the ignominy of having their results on national tests published , protected only by a general statement from the local authority , indicating ‘ the nature of socio-economic and other influences which are known to affect schools ’ ( Task Group on Assessment and Testing , para 134 ) .
18 Sometimes , to be firm with people can be more helpful than leaving problems until it is too late .
19 Well you make notes when you 're listening to customers and make notes when you were questioning me did I and it was hard to even if it 's only four or five questions it was hard to pull together .
20 ‘ Why not ? ’ says Annie , flicking an olive pip into Kate 's lap , ‘ why the hell not choose and make decisions if you 're in a position where you can ?
21 But house er erm what is that that 's the footpath people is n't it , they always come and repair things if they 're told , at least they sh , but obviously they have to work in collaboration with the farmers , er concerned .
22 In the old days it had all seemed worth it — she 'd enjoyed filling stockings and wading through a carpet of toys and dressing the tree and singing carols when they were little .
23 What is common to all is that as symbols of excellence precious substances embody and display values and it is by entertaining and expressing values that men declare their identity as human beings rather than as mere primates .
24 Astute readers might also have found a small note , placed in the magazine 's gossip column , referring to the front page story and reminding readers that it was 1 April — placed there by Birbeck as a precautionary measure .
25 If there are more than four I go to the cupboard and nip cognacs till it 's all over for me , my dear ’ , or ‘ Last Sunday I had a fearful crise .
26 There are dozens of them , some with very good outdoors and walking sections and it 's an unusually restrained visitor who leaves without a few extra pounds in the backpack .
27 Shopkeepers have been told they ca n't protect themselves against ramraiders and smash and grab attacks because they 're in a conservation area .
28 But when one of the squad emerged from the shop with the remains of the rucksack , and told police that he was unhappy about the cause of the fire , a full scale evacuation of the city centre was started in case it proved to be an incendiary device and in case others had been planted .
29 ‘ The Force has got enough obstinate and bloodyminded men as it is , without adding any females . ’
30 The floor was tiled , in diagonal squares of grey and white marble , and the walls were so densely covered with pictures and looking glasses that it was hard to tell whether or how they were papered , but the general tone and impression was of a deep purple and red .
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