Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] she [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Either way , though , there was a belligerency about it , with dials that gazed at her like eyes ; mean , shifty eyes , warning her to beware .
2 The rest of the evening was like a ten-year sentence that raced by her in moments ; a sense of endless time that ended far too soon .
3 What does she feel about the media mayhem that whirled round her for months last year ?
4 You may find that she will need to lean on you a little for several months to speak and act for her in matters she can not give her full attention to , because she will be quite rightly absorbed for the time being in grieving , which is mentally and emotionally very hard work indeed .
5 She was grinning as she said it , but he did n't take that in and yelled at her about Women 's Lib claptrap .
6 His teeth bit into her shoulder but she only came closer and he made a low , frustrated sound deep in his throat , tilting her face and staring at her with eyes filled with burning darkness .
7 In the recordings , the man is heard repeatedly calling the woman ‘ darling ’ and referring to her by pet-names ‘ Squidge ’ and ‘ Squidgy ’ .
8 She is known from her single volume of Poems on Several Occasions , published anonymously in Canterbury in 1740 but attributed to her in inscriptions in the Bodleian and British Library copies of the book .
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