Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] be [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had no idea what to do , less than if her sister had become violent and raved and attacked her , or claimed to be Lady Hamilton .
2 Sequent is aiming the product at users that want to be Teradata owners but can not afford it .
3 But if Eliot in the poem has adopted the personality of a fertility god , this god is a peculiarly Prufrockian one in the sense that for all ‘ The constant flame shall keep me warm , ’ he remains not simply a minor divinity , neither being nor meant to be Prince Hamlet , but also , for all the lovers ' attentions , an impotent ghost , ‘ A bloodless shade among the shades/ Doing no good , but not much harm ’ .
4 I thought I was an actress and decided to be Mata Hari for my journey . ’
5 It 's easy to feel like Ziggy — of course it is — you play it on stage half the time and then you come home and have to be David Jones and I do n't have too much patience for that talk .
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