Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [Wh det] is going on " in BNC.

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1 Although the police do not need to be certain that a person has heard or seen what is going on before they can call for quiet under the Act ( since it is sufficient that they have reasonable cause to believe that an offence is being committed ) , they would afterwards have to conduct house to house enquiries before they could truthfully say that the conduct was actually heard or seen by a bystander .
2 So , as soon as the misbehaviour begins , turn away or walk away from your child ; pretend not to see or hear what is going on ; say nothing and try not to show any expression at all ; resist getting into any debate , argument or discussion with your child while he or she is misbehaving .
3 The Governors control very much of the finances of the school and supervise what is going on .
4 He says that , ‘ DTX-2 , like its biogenetic relatives acts as an ‘ on-off ’ switch for certain phosphatase enzymes and could open a door in the cell for us to look inside and see what is going on ’ .
5 There are possibilities for encouraging pupils to listen to their own reading on tape , and to discuss what is going on , with the aims of helping them toward cognitive clarity and the expression of their feelings about the text .
6 Also , it is vital from the point of view of ethics that you can hear and understand what is going on .
7 Once these kinds of needs are satisfied , the theory suggests that individual motivations will be shaped by behaviour that is associated with : The need to gain self-esteem in the eyes of other people , for instance through the possession of prestigious objects , taking expensive holidays , making donations to charity , etc. * the need to know and understand what is going on around them .
8 And tell you , and hear what is going on .
9 Therapist : ‘ What we will do in this first session is an assessment of exactly what 's going on : first we will look at the problems at the moment ; second we will look at background factors such as your family and personal history ; and third we will try to pull it all together and formulate what is going on , and then decide on what the best course of action is .
10 Patrons who pay ten pounds to see and hear what is going on deserved a better service than they got .
11 So , too , does wearing sunglasses as this is a positive gesture to prevent the interviewer from seeing your eyes and guessing what is going on in your mind .
12 Before you really get down to doing anything , you 've got to look at the problem , and , and really sort of try and analyse what is going on , and what bit of the problem are you going to work on .
13 It taxes the minds of determined embryologists to try and visualize what is going on .
14 The role of the regionals is not only to report national and international news if they are a daily , but to reflect what is going on in their area .
15 Some people see very clearly and are able to describe actual images ; others do not actually see anything at all but know what is going on and are able to relate to it .
16 It must therefore help learners when they listen to a foreign language if they can see as well as hear what is going on .
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