Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [that] it [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 This behaviour is typical of the several meals we have investigated using scintigraphic techniques , and shows that it represents a physiological relevant test meal .
2 She bought it a year ago and recalls that it cost a great deal of money .
3 How was it possible that in a single fraction of a second , and for the very first time , she discovered a motion of the arm and body so perfect and polished that it resembled a finished work of art ?
4 Bear this in mind when using the foot sweep and ensure that it has a good chance of shifting the opponent by forcing him to lift his weight from the ankle to be attacked .
5 — ‘ Non , ’ Alyssia said , mastering the French word and deciding that it had a certain ring to it when used in conversation with this particular woman .
6 But what about this : in 1853 , at Trouville , he watched the sun go down over the sea , and declared that it resembled a large disc of redcurrant jam .
7 Mr Spring stressed his belief that the Anglo-Irish Agreement was ‘ very important ’ and insisted that it had a future .
8 I found your recent article ‘ A new discipline ’ on marketing in the Nineties ( MW December 6 ) extremely interesting and felt that it raised a number of important issues .
9 As long as the basic construction of NiCad batteries has n't changed , I can see no justification for complete discharge and agree that it stands a good chance of being harmful .
10 At the start of the present study and , indeed , until its analysis stage we did not associate the Dounreay-Thurso area with the oil industry , and finding that it contained a high proportion of oil workers was unexpected .
11 The NCCK welcomed the decision and said that it signalled a new era of reconciliation , justice , tolerance and brotherhood .
12 Another firm , Keith Bayley Rogers & Co ( 071–378 0657 ) also continues only to charge commission on transactions , and stresses that it has a large and long-established client basis and no need to churn portfolios .
13 And indeed , he does give an account of the structure of the complex whole , and argues that it awards a certain primacy to economic practice ‘ in the last instance , .
14 Regulations provide that if local planning authorities are minded to approve a proposal , but judge that it involves a material departure from the provisions of the development plan , they are required to refer the matter to the Secretary of State for him to decide whether he thinks it fit to call in the matter for his own decision .
15 The scientist who proposes new interpretations or principles is rather like the fictional detective ( they may exist in reality too ) who is faced with the same evidence as the reader and the police , but sees that it forms a different pattern when seen from the right angle .
16 Dally goes as far as to state that it indicates a bad prognosis for the disease , but I am glad to be able to report that although my jealousy continued into my adolescence , including the anorexic period , it did not deter my recovery , and that my sisters and I are now the best of friends .
17 The non-profit Open Software Foundation in Cambridge , Massachusetts has been quoted in the US press as saying that it shipped a total of 85,000 binary versions of OSF/1 to developers and users last year .
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