Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Kenya , Uganda and Tanzania , the countries bordering the lake , have been reluctant to invest in preserving a fishing industry that has not yet suffered economically from the ecological damage .
2 Turning to the volume 's introductory pages , I read some encouraging words that at once led me to hope that I might yet track down a few potential search areas that had not already received too much attention .
3 She thinks five-year-olds are grubs that have n't yet hatched out . ’
4 For every complaint that you have there may be 20 dissatisfied people that have n't actually come up to the school to make their feelings known — they do n't even tell you that they are upset .
5 You know , very often you hear the people that are actually talking about the things they 've done are normally the ones that have n't quite got there .
6 Thus , for eurobond firms London has offered a pool of suitably trained labour ; in recent years , low levels of personal and corporate taxation ; a reasonable tax regime for financial instruments ( e.g. ability to issue bearer eurobonds that effectively pay interest gross and absence of turnover taxes — a particular handicap for the Swiss ) ; a supply of suitable premises ; the absence , since 1979 , of exchange controls ( although initially exchange controls were seen as an advantage , since eurobonds did not interfere with onshore sterling markets ) ; prudential and monetary regulations that have not historically tended significantly to raise the cost of funds , distort or prevent competition among domestic or international intermediaries ; English law ( widely accepted as a basis for international financial business ) ; the English language ; and political stability .
7 She just fires off and has n't really grown up .
8 ‘ For forty years ’ , claimed a liberal statesman in 1855 , ‘ the middle class has governed the nation ; it has lost the New World , compromised the stability of society and has not yet learnt how to form a government . ’
9 ‘ The Halcyon still has green straw and has not fully necked over yet , so is some way off .
10 Ken would be starring in the play opposite Dame Edith Evans , who was admittedly close to the end of her remarkable career and had n't yet lived down that famous interpretation of hers in the film of The Importance of Being Earnest .
11 Oddly , she had never shown much interest in touring in West Germany — perhaps she was scared to go that close to the border — and had not even taken out a West German passport , to which she was automatically entitled .
12 He had changed one card ( or was it even two ? ) before the off , and had not since played powerfully enough .
13 Fifthly , although the fact is often overlooked by philosophers , we commonly talk of causes in situations where we are attempting to explain some event and have not yet done so .
14 Registrations are still growing and have not yet peaked out .
15 But most of the 49 designated assembly points exist only on maps ; UN officials have so far surveyed only 20 of them and have not yet set up camps suitable for an organised demobilisation .
16 Systemstar already has a full-time employee from Raima working in the UK , but has not yet worked out the details of its joint venture : a separate Systemstar operation could well continue to handle the distributor 's other product lines , which include a competitive product , the KnowledgeMan extended network database from Micro Data Base Systems Inc of Lafayette , Indiana .
17 This is shown here ( Fig. 1.4B ) for the premaxillary suture , which is in the process of opening but has not yet proceeded far enough to destroy the integrity of the skull .
18 Previously , the 1969 and 1977 NOP surveys had broached this problem , with a question asking people whether they had considered using some form of credit but had not actually done so — and exploring their reasons .
19 Ellie had known that Mrs McMahon was not a forceful or decisive person , but had n't quite realised just how easily led she was .
20 When they have arrived at the fully mobile stage of their development , but have not yet ventured off on their own , they may accompany their mother on short trips away from the ‘ nest , .
21 ‘ We think the concept is right but have n't exactly worked out how yet . ’
22 I think , I think in fact you 're , you 're not having the problems that we 're having where it 's very difficult so you 've got er a really nice representation but have n't quite gone far enough .
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