Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv prt] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or tearing down part of the prison ?
2 In any other case , bankruptcy proceedings must be begun in the county court for the insolvency district in which the debtor has resided or carried on business for the longest period during the six months immediately preceding the presentation of the bankruptcy petition ( r 6.9(2) ) .
3 Bankruptcy proceedings must be commenced in the High Court ( in London ) if : ( i ) the petition is presented by a Government department , and either in the statutory demand an indication to petition in the High Court is stated or the petition is based upon an unsatisfied execution ; or ( ii ) the debtor by or against whom the petition is presented has resided or carried on business within the London insolvency district for the greater part of the six months immediately preceding the presentation of the petition or for a longer period during those six months than in any other insolvency district ; or ( iii ) the debtor is not resident in England and Wales ; or ( iv ) the petitioning creditor is unable to ascertain the residence of the debtor ( tr 6.9(1) and 6.40 ) .
4 Once a bankruptcy order is made , it is likely that the proceedings commenced by a Government department in the High Court under r 6.9(1) ( o ) will be transferred to the appropriate county court if the debtor does not reside or carry on business within the London insolvency district .
5 However , where a defendant does not reside or carry on business within the district of the court and he desires the action to be transferred to the court for the district in which he resides or carries on business , he may , after delivering a defence , counterclaim , or request for time for payment , apply ex parte in writing for an order to transfer the action to that court .
6 If in the opinion of the court a summons for recovery of land can not be served in accordance with Ord 7 , rr 4 – 10 , an order may be made on request in N 220 for service on the husband or wife of the defendant , a person living with but not married to the defendant , or upon anyone who is or appears to be authorised by the defendant to reside or carry on business in the premises , to manage them or to safeguard or deal with the premises or contents thereof ( Ord 7 , r 15(1) — ( 3 ) ) .
7 So-called ‘ gun ’ microphones are well-known tools for bugging distant conversations or picking up sound from a point source in a crowded room or studio .
8 It 's very surprising just how few people can actually look up a reference , or seek out information on a given topic !
9 The dividend may be expressed as a fixed percentage of the nominal or paid up value of the shares , or may even extend to participation in any dividends declared over and above that fixed amount .
10 ‘ Escape ’ was defined as ‘ escape from a place where the defendant has occupation or control over land to a place which is outside his occupation or control . ’
11 Your partner should be lying down on his or her back with a cushion or rolled up towel under the knees to prevent any strain in the lumbar region .
12 TAGH did not compete with binding of labelled EGF , or start down regulation of the EGF receptor on the isolated cells ( Table V ) .
13 The educational role usually amounted to freeing the teacher from mundane classroom activities or carrying out instruction under the teacher 's guidance , whereas the para-professional role involved helping with physiotherapy and speech therapy exercises .
14 The transfer may become null and void , as here , or the certificate may not be renewed , as in Miller , but nothing that can happen to the transfer or transferee will ever revive the right of a man who , ex hypothesi , has removed or yielded up possession of the premises to which the certificate relates . "
15 If you wish to get married in a church which is not in either parish , you will have to apply to be put on the electoral roll or take up residence in the parish for the period over which the banns will be read .
16 It also rejected worship of the saints and relics , pilgrimages , indulgences , and masses for the dead as futile attempts to purge the sins of the deceased or pile up merit for the living .
17 They had a good supper of eggs and milk and crunchy , fresh bread in the kitchen which was as clean as the rest of the house but more cheerful with a big range fire that threw out heat like a furnace .
18 There are many plants that give off scent during the day but which seem to take on fresh strength in the evenings .
19 If pine comes mean no more to you than the pretty seed carriers that litter out countryside in the autumn , think again .
20 But he blew his chances when he said that giving up sovereignty to the European Commission was like giving in to Hitler .
21 by no means all of the large reptiles that are found in the Mesozoic rocks are dinosaurs — the reptile groups that took up life in the sea or the air were only distantly related .
22 The Inland Revenue say that carrying on business for the purposes of this section continues until all the debts of the business incurred in the course of trade have been paid , and that includes the liability for tax .
23 If the two pairs of projectors are in line , the intention is not usually a multi-image effect In fact , it s likely that the two projectors nearer to the camera will not contain so much an image as an image-blocker , ie a mask or matte that blocks out part of the image behind it Since the two mattes will normally be complementary , and the combined image can be seen by inspection through the camera 's viewfinder , any faults , such as overlaps or gaps , should be observed at the time and , if possible , corrected on a second , third or fourth take This is more economical and satisfactory than getting the results of multiple passes back from the lab and discovering that a whole day 's work has to be redone .
24 Other employees said they had favourite sections of the roadshow , and everyone was enthusiastic about the Crystal Maze game that makes up part of the roadshow .
25 We hope to finalize the fieldwork by the end of 1992 and to round up research by the middle of 1993 .
26 She still saw him , made a point of popping over to say hullo to Uncle Willi and sought out Georg in the dairy or the office .
27 They were going to undo the spells that held together the vortex and bring back Chaos to the world .
28 The home of the Ba was the body in the tomb , but it was able to go out freely and bring back life to the body and thus preserve the deceased 's identity on earth .
29 E/A turned and made off East at the same time as we sighted him .
30 This method of cultivation protects the growing plants from late frosts and builds up heat in the soil so that the potatoes are ready to be lifted 2–3 weeks earlier than if they had been grown conventionally .
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