Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They must shout at them , slap their faces , magically coerce them , or manage to force them out of the corridor .
2 Of course , you must make sure you protect the baby from a toddler who pinches or slaps or tries to tip her out of the pram when your back is turned .
3 On no account should the patient be allowed or encouraged to get himself around by dragging his foot and leaning on the furniture .
4 In future , she would not go looking for love , or trying to manufacture it out of other lesser emotions , but she still believed it would find her one day .
5 The seeds are all the external influences that tend to throw us out of balance and they may affect us on any level of our being ; on the physical level it may be something simple like being exposed to a cold wind , getting soaked in the rain or even some form of trauma .
6 ‘ Why , Sarella ? ’ he grated after a battle that seemed to draw itself out to the limits .
7 If you do intend to follow your own programme see whether you can find a ‘ mentor ’ or other suitable person to whom you can go for encouragement and guidance when you need to , rather than attempting to battle it out on your own .
8 They are frankly calling their new cheeses by new brand names , making them in different shapes and original packings , selling them on their own merits rather than attempting to pass them off as the great traditional products of an unmechanized and unstandardized age .
9 One of the secrets of staying healthy is to discover what it is that tends to throw you out of balance and causes illnesses to appear .
10 ‘ Believe it or not , my responsibility to my daughter rated higher in my mind than going to seek you out at the hotel . ’
11 Michaelmas daisies , which flower as late as October , are a good source of nectar for peacocks and tortoiseshells that need to build themselves up before hibernating for the winter .
12 The 39-nation Conference on Disarmament meeting in Geneva on Sept. 3 adopted a draft treaty banning the use , production or stock-piling of chemical weapons , and agreed to pass it on for approval by the UN General Assembly .
13 There 's a regular traffic of straw from here to the west country which is mostly pasture-land and needs to order it in from outside the area for animal feed .
14 But you have no faith in the power of the economy and want to prop it up with the crutches of the rotten police regime .
15 Thomas Cook said the merger would create an effective duopoly and tour operators would find themselves ‘ subject to debilitating price wars funded by the dominant position of the duopoly and designed to drive them out of the industry ’ .
16 There is times I 've casually picked it up , dropped it on the floor and forgotten to pick it up for a while because I 'm on the phone and sometimes it is quite loud in my ear .
17 I put weight on my hands and tried to push myself up off the floor .
18 The United States broke the unofficial cartel with Canada and tried to shoulder her out of markets .
19 When he did n't reply she felt something bad approaching and tried to ward it off with an apology .
20 She glared at him , then scanned the road for anyone who might offer help if he turned nasty and tried to force her back inside the car , but , apart from an elderly woman walking an equally elderly terrier along the opposite pavement , the road was deserted .
21 I carried my bewilderment into the coffee shop and tried to drown it along with the froth of my cappuccino .
22 The Serbs were aware that the powers were not genuinely interested in Serbian independence , and tried to play one off against the other .
23 She laughed rather shrilly , grabbed his hands and tried to pull him up against her .
24 I went over to Sheridan to ask him to be quiet and he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me on to his lap , and I overbalanced and fell and hit the table hard where he was sitting , and I caught the cloth somehow and pulled it with me and everything on it landed on the floor .
25 That was something he would never yield up — it was his protection if the Tsar 's soldiers ever tracked him down and tried to drag him back to his regiment to be court-martialled and shot , which was what Mickey Aronson said would happen .
26 So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour .
27 All this happened in the twinkling of an eye and just as quickly I extricated myself from the upholstered prison , scraped up my hat and tried to bash it back into shape as I hobbled to retrieve a far-flung shoe .
28 Nero sends his luv and wants to put you in for the chariot racing next time .
29 He divides his party and his flocks and herds into two , and plans to put one out of sight of the other .
30 At one time we kept pigs and used to feed them up with the waste food and sell them in the market .
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