Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [v-ing] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Before presenting the Service 's estimates to Parliament , the department should , in theory , prune its programmes down to the financial target line imposed by the Treasury ; but , in practice , it has been found that the bow-wave tends to dissipate as the actual financial year goes by because there are always delays in most programmes that lead to underspending on individual projects .
2 The forms of the vessels were raised by hammering and completed by soldering on additional cast or hammered features .
3 Leeds attacked the kop-end goal , and looked like scoring on several occasions .
4 Your love life is hotting up , but beware of embarking on short-lived involvements .
5 This acknowledgement of the debt [ normally by signing on the face of the bill ] gives the exporter more peace of mind as opposed to selling on open account terms , although there is still no guarantee of payment .
6 This approach ( as opposed to relying on remote link via a telephone line ) made it possible to provide interactive analyses during negotiation meetings .
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