Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adj] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ring for a doctor straightaway , or dial 999 and ask for an ambulance
2 However , what does seem to me to be both dangerous and impermissible is the judicial superimposition , under the guise of statutory construction , of a principle , supposedly based on some parliamentary intention nowhere expressed , that genuine transactions carried out in conformity with unequivocal statutory provisions are to be annulled or rendered ineffective because undertaken with either the sole or the predominant motive of obtaining the fiscal benefits which those provisions confer .
3 In both cases students may choose either to continue their studies to an advanced level in all four main subject areas or to drop some and specialize in others .
4 Their pupils could be learning either to duck and cover again or to stop worrying and live with the bomb .
5 Admittedly , they are expensive , but you only need one or two to transform a salad or perform magic when mixed with lemon , garlic and salami and stirred into pasta ( see recipe for Fettucine with sun-dried tomatoes ) .
6 With commitment and amounts of cash that seemed paltry when compared with government defence budgets , that problem could be solved .
7 A degree of confirmation for the ‘ hypothesis of difference ’ between organizational types has been obtained , though with research instruments that seem blunt when compared with the complexity of the issues raised in the initial part of this paper , and with data that must await fuller statistical validation .
8 Noting down ( in picture form ) any points about the main characters , policies , locations , finance , constraints etc that seem relevant when reading through background papers , correspondence and other related material .
9 His desperate girl , ox-eyed , perhaps twelve years old or perhaps thirty-five , waited outside the Customs Hall for him without leaving even to sleep , watching through the glass and crying softly and putting the damp balls of face tissue into a big plastic handbag that looked ugly and moving against her sari .
10 Tabitha spent a valuable minute dragging out from under a heap something that looked promising but proved to be a caustic diffraction coil .
11 To his left three guards had taken the strain on a rope that ran tight and stretched to the building .
12 Banc One has a team of managers that does little but work on mergers , and with good results .
13 For such a policy to be effective the librarian should ensure that works selected or retained on this basis are accorded additional promotion in the library .
14 The pterosaurs , flying reptiles , also had their origins in the Triassic and became widespread and varied during the Jurassic and Cretaceous .
15 In the more remote localities Bolshevik officials , desperate for transport facilities , ‘ ignored NEP and all its works , and commandeered right and left as if military Communism [ War Communism ] was still pure and undefiled ’ , yet another indication that military methods did not go completely out of fashion with the advent of NEP .
16 It may also be necessary to begin keyboard skills in the last year of primary school and to continue this as required at the secondary level .
17 MRS THATCHER went to the American heartlands yesterday and made clear when questioned by university students that she viewed with alarm the idea of Britain under a coalition government .
18 Trent imagined Golden Girl picked up by the surf and flung tumbling and splintering into fragments .
19 The retired can squat , smoke , reminisce and grow old and die in familiar , comfortable surroundings .
20 Peter Mann , director of the charity 's veterinary services , said : ‘ The sheer noise of fireworks can shock a pet into running away and becoming lost and frightened in unfamiliar surroundings . ’
21 They mostly think they 're marvellous and act lordly and gallop about being pillars of the community . ’
22 It lacks tolerance , the spirit of live and let live and militates against Christian people , in particular Catholics .
23 The most important part of her work is finding food that will taste delicious and look great when served on a tray at 30,000 ft — and that is no simple task .
24 They look quite dull and uninteresting when lying on the beaches around Whitby and Scarborough , but they take a brilliant polish and look wonderful when mounted as jewellery .
25 ‘ Because I 'd shoot up drugs or have parties and get drunk and sleep with boys ?
26 He enjoyed handling Glic 's pups , that Luch , alone in the castle , was allowed to lift from their dam 's teats and set warm and wriggling in his hands while they were as blind as he was himself .
27 As I say , if you by the time you get home and then you got to exercise them erm and then you 've got to get back and feed them and then feed yourself and keep warm and think of you know , what you got to wear the next day the time 's gone !
28 But it does need to be borne in mind that although this form of sudden death can create such instantaneous reactions there are also people who hide and keep quiet and suffer for a long time before finding the opportunity to talk to someone about their feelings or until another trigger sets them grieving .
29 Sabrina 5 was last used in the early 1970s and lay derelict until restored by the Museum in 1987 .
30 Anticipating this difficulty for their new employee , the oil company installed an incinerator loo which , at the press of a button , was triggered into fiery life as six flame-throwing nozzles squirting blazing diesel in all directions enveloping and consuming all that lay in its path .
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